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12 quick team-building activities you can do in 5-10 minutes
General Leadership

12 quick team-building activities you can do in 5-10 minutes

The top priority for most companies is satisfying customers, as it tends to generate more sales, higher revenue, and customer loyalty.

Jessica Orika
How to motivate yourself to work, even on your most distracted days
Find Your Passion

How to motivate yourself to work, even on your most distracted days

If, despite your best intentions, you're struggling with a lack of motivation in your professional life, you're not alone. In light of the record-high cost of living and the ever-looming threat of layoffs, research shows that employee morale is at an all-time low.¹ When it feels like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, starting that work project can feel near impossible. Yet, the work just keeps on coming, and we have no choice but to complete it if we want to keep those bills paid.

Emma Norris
Solving the team motivation puzzle: 9 ways to motivate teams
Leadership Skills

Solving the team motivation puzzle: 9 ways to motivate teams

With economic pressure continuing to effect organizations across the globe, redundancies are looming, and teams are overwhelmed. Savvy managers are looking for ways to motivate their teams, but with a widening generational gap in the workplace, it's becoming more challenging. The issue being, that "motivation" is relative to the individual, and so there is no one winning strategy for "team motivation". This is where smart companies are looking beyond generalized tips and tricks, and seeking  evidence-based solutions for team motivation.In this article, we'll be sharing smart solutions for team motivation, and how data-driven approaches can make all the difference.

William Haigen
Describe your unique company culture: A guide with examples
Company Culture

Describe your unique company culture: A guide with examples

A strong company culture goes beyond listing perks and policies. It's about conveying the values, norms, and intangible qualities that define your organization's identity.

Jessica Orika
2024’s best team engagement software: boost team morale fast
Company Culture

2024’s best team engagement software: boost team morale fast

Employee engagement reached historic lows recently, dropping from 36% in 2020 to 32% last year. Employers are scrambling to fix this.1

Amy Rigby
10 Inspiring professional development goals examples
Leadership Skills

10 Inspiring professional development goals examples

Ever been asked about your professional development goals?

William Haigen
Level up your employee performance reviews with these winning phrases
Team Performance

Level up your employee performance reviews with these winning phrases

Performance reviews can be nerve-wracking for managers and employees alike. Research shows that poorly conducted performance reviews can lead to frustration, negative competitiveness among teams, and a decreased willingness to take risks.1 

William Haigen
Top executive coaching management software tips from Canva
Business Skills

Top executive coaching management software tips from Canva

The primary role of an executive leader is to make strategic, high-level decisions that steer the company toward success. In a time when the future is clouded by uncertainty, those choices become even more challenging and higher stake. As a result, CEOs and other C-suite executives need more support than ever — not only to make the right decisions but also to look after their own mental and physical well-being.

Emma Norris
Nurturing team well-being through meaningful team retrospectives
Team Performance

Nurturing team well-being through meaningful team retrospectives

In an ever-evolving business landscape where global growth prospects remain gloomy,1 companies need to focus on retaining top talent. A good way to do this is to create a supportive work environment that fosters a sense of connection. A team retrospective is effective for managing stress and uncertainty and is a powerful tool for boosting team spirit.

Aleney de Winter
How to run a team dynamics workshop to supercharge your team
Team Performance

How to run a team dynamics workshop to supercharge your team

No two teams are exactly alike — each has its own unique 'fingerprint', shaped by the distinct traits and personalities of its members. In a modern world where remote work has become the norm, these dynamics aren't necessarily easy to see. However, they're always there under the surface, steering how teams communicate, collaborate, and work towards common goals.

Emma Norris
Too much friction at work? How to resolve team conflict
Team Performance

Too much friction at work? How to resolve team conflict

Why can’t we all just get along? Unfortunately, team conflict is inevitable in any workplace. How, when, and whether it gets resolved or escalates is up to you, the team leader. It’s more important than ever to skillfully manage any team members at odds with each other – retaining top talent in a volatile economy14 will help see you through any hard times that lie ahead.

Joanna Tovia
Why you're failing at developing high-performance work teams
Team Performance

Why you're failing at developing high-performance work teams

There's tons of advice out there on developing and sustaining high-performance work teams—so why are organizations still struggling to do it? Nearly 1 in 5 new hires quit in their first week1, and the 68% who stay but aren't engaged with their work2 cost the global economy roughly $7.8 trillion a year in lost productivity.3 Yikes.

Amy Rigby
Break the virtual ice: Building rapport in online meetings
Team Performance

Break the virtual ice: Building rapport in online meetings

We’ve all been there: you’re in a virtual meeting, the screen is filled with faces you vaguely recognize, and the silence is so deafening you could hear a virtual pin drop. From uncomfortable silences to stilted questions (and even more stilted answers), cringe-worthy moments are common in online interactions. In fact, in a 2021 global Statista survey, 22% of respondents said they found awkward small talk a challenge during virtual meetings.

Olly Adeyemi

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