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Fun icebreaker questions to build team dynamics
Company Culture

Fun icebreaker questions to build team dynamics

In today’s workplace, chatting around the water cooler or getting to know your work colleagues over a drink after work is increasingly rare. Currently, around 12.7% of full-time employees work remotely, and another 28.2% prefer to work in a hybrid model1, which means that around 40% of employees don’t have regular face-to-face time with their co-workers. And with more organizations embracing remote and hybrid work models, this figure is only expected to rise.

Timothy Boluwatife
Employee performance reviews are failing: how to fix them
Team Performance

Employee performance reviews are failing: how to fix them

When it comes to inspiring employees, increasing engagement and reducing turnover, providing meaningful feedback matters.Though feedback is a vital part of employee performance management, traditional performance reviews are often out of step with the realities of the modern workplace.

William Haigen
How to make one-on-one meetings more meaningful & productive
Team Performance

How to make one-on-one meetings more meaningful & productive

When your day is packed with deadlines and responsibilities, it can be tempting to push one-on-one meetings with your direct reports or manager to the back burner. But these regular touchpoints are more important than you might think. One of the top drivers of job satisfaction for employees is having a positive relationship with your manager, and setting – and sticking to – regular one-on-one meetings can be a highly effective way to build that bond.

Jessica Orika
How to conduct a self-performance review (with examples)
Personal Development

How to conduct a self-performance review (with examples)

Knowing your weaknesses is always the first step to overcoming them. The best way to understand where you can improve is to conduct an honest self-performance review. Personal development in the workplace has been common for senior-level employees and leadership teams for decades.  However, it is now becoming a more common investment for employees at all levels1. Career-focused individuals are becoming more like athletes, sculpting their mindsets, and skills and working on improving their weaknesses. If this sounds like you, you might consider conducting a self-performance review. Here’s our guide on how to conduct one, and how Fingerprint for Success (F4S) can help.

William Haigen
AI talent acquisition software: a guide for HR teams
Team Performance

AI talent acquisition software: a guide for HR teams

Finding the right candidate for a role can be tough, especially when you consider that every  corporate job opening attracts 250 resumes.1

Jessica Orika

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