Team dynamics: The secret sauce of high-performing teams
Think your team dynamics need a spark? The way teams click (or clash) shapes everything from daily wins to long-term success. Let's explore what makes great teams tick and how to nurture those game-changing connections.
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Imagine two different teams. We'll keep things simple and call them Team A and Team B. Both teams consist of skilled people who know how to get their job done.
On Team A, things run smoothly. Issues are resolved collaboratively and positively. Members have energy, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose. People communicate effectively, and everyone's on the same page. This team consistently crushes its goals.
But things aren't quite so rosy with Team B.
This group keeps missing deadlines. Emails are flying around, but things aren't clearly communicated. Projects run off the rails because nobody speaks out, and there's conflict whenever a decision is made. Resentment and frustrations are brewing.
So what's the difference between these two teams? It's tempting to point the finger at a number of potential causes, but it all boils down to this one simple answer: team dynamics.
Sure, we all want to be part of a high-performing team, but making that goal a reality is where things get a little trickier.
In this article, we'll do a deep dive into what team dynamics are and some of the current research that's out there. We'll also answer some common questions about team dynamics, and share some strategies you can use to operate more like Team A.
So...what are team dynamics?
We'll admit that a team dynamics definition can be a little difficult to wrap your head around.
Think of team dynamics as the way members interact with one another. These interactions are shaped by things like individual personalities and behaviors, the nature of the work being done, and the relationships that exist within the entire team — all things that are tough to put your finger on.
As you might guess, a positive dynamic will get the best out of everyone. But a negative dynamic? That's where you'll see things like demotivation, lowered productivity, and even conflict.
What's the difference between team dynamics and group dynamics?
The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there's a significant difference.
A team is a collection of people who've been brought together to achieve a common goal. There's a mutual understanding between them that they have something to aim for, and by working together, they're more likely to manage it. Team members depend on each other to succeed.
A group is a collection of people who have something in common; geographic location, age, gender, interests, and so on. Group members come together both voluntarily and by chance. In a workplace, this means you can have employees who simply have desks near one other. A collaborative company culture might sit people together on purpose, in efforts to foster the exchange of ideas.
That said, there might be clashes between different personalities or skill levels—this means people who are in a group together might not enjoy successful team dynamics.
Just putting people near each other or forming a team won't always yield good results. Individual team members might enjoy good relationships amongst themselves, but this doesn't mean they're suited to working together. And if they're a bunch of people each aiming for individual success (eg. in a 'sales team'), they might not really be a team.
Group dynamics are behaviors you can observe when people exist together in a social group. Things like social structure, relationships with outside groups, authority and support roles, behavioral expectations, and so on.
Team dynamics are different. They emerge from more deliberate management and are all about the team's ability to complete its aims.
If you're running a project that needs multiple people to work together to achieve a common goal, you need to build an effective team culture. Let's look at how it's done.
How to approach team dynamics in 2025
So what makes for an effective team? And why are high-performing teams so difficult to find?
There's a lot of great research on positive group dynamics and what it takes to build a top-notch team. Let's get a deeper understanding by digging into some of the most recent theories and frameworks.
1. Google's Project Aristotle
Google is one of the most famous and high-performing organizations, so it makes sense that they'd take a closer look at what makes for a great team.
Consider Project Aristotle, named after the famous philosopher who said, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." Google's goal for the research project was simple: to figure out what makes a team effective at Google1. The researchers found five ingredients for good team dynamics. In order of importance, they are:
- Psychological safety: Nobody has all of the answers, and team members need to feel comfortable saying or doing things without risking embarrassment. In teams with high psychological safety, each teammate is comfortable asking questions, admitting mistakes, and contributing their ideas.
- Dependability: Team members need to be able to count on each other. With a strong team dynamic, people do what they say they're going to do—they complete their work well and on time.
- Structure and clarity: Teamwork shouldn't be a guessing game. That's why it's so important that team members understand the shared goal between them and how their work contributes to the cause.
- Meaning: There's little that's more frustrating than feeling like another cog in a wheel. Team members need to be able to find a sense of purpose in their work or the results they're achieving. A common goal is vital.
- Impact: It's important for teams to feel like their work is making a difference.2 They should have full transparency into how their individual work contributes to the company and wider society.
2. The five stages of team development (Tuckman Model)
This theory (called the Tuckman Model) walks through the different phases of team building.3 It shows what stages a successful team will pass through on the way to peak performance.
Knowing this helps leaders understand where their team currently is, as well as what they still need to do to reach a good group dynamic. Even better? All of the phases rhyme, so they're easy to remember.
- Forming: Things are just getting started. The team is coming together, assigning tasks, and collecting information. It's important to note that if and when a new team member hops on board, the entire existing team might return to this stage at that point.
- Storming: Here's where things start to get real. The niceties are out of the way. Team members are discovering more about each other— including habits and preferences. Relationships form and competition can run high, which means leadership is extra important at this stage.
- Norming: The rocky start is out of the way, and things are starting to calm down. Team members are beginning to build trust. They recognize everybody's strengths, and cooperative work is happening. Leaders can begin to take a step back, but be aware that there's a risk of the team becoming complacent and losing some of its creative edge at this stage.
- Performing: Successful collaboration is thriving, and team goals are being met. If you've made it to this stage, give yourself a well-deserved round of applause. Not all groups become high-performing teams. Effective leadership communication is crucial for reaching this level! This phase is where the magic happens. Team members are on the same page and are knowledgeable, motivated, and competent. They're self-managing and acting mostly independently. They have come to accept collaborative decision-making as part of the process.
- Adjourning and Transforming: This is the end of the team's time together—whether you've wrapped up that project or a member has left. Goodbyes are always bittersweet, but don't forget to take a minute to celebrate everything you accomplished together!
3. Marlee
Marlee has studied successful teams for more than twenty years.
Our groundbreaking research explores the attitudes and motivations of highly successful entrepreneurs. Now we're on a mission to support individuals, teams, and enterprises so they can thrive.
With our free motivation assessment, anyone can discover their top motivations and blind spots. Gain instant access to your results via your My Results Board. Through Marlee's X-Factors Boards, you'll see how you compare to the top leaders in the industry and can even set your results to focus on your geographic location.
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The key to building successful teams is understanding each member's motivations in the workplace.
Every single team member has a role in creating an effective, happy, and high-performing team. With Marlee, you can create a team space and invite members to take the assessment. Then Ask Marlee, our AI about your team to understand team members' motivation and communication preferences. And so much more!

A Marlee team comparison board showing similarities and differences
- Get an overall vibe of your team's culture: You'll uncover what's important to them and how they are motivated.
- Understand your team's similarities: Know what energizes your team.
- Visualise your team's biggest differences: Understand where team members have different approaches. When diversity is harnessed, it leads to success and helps avoid team friction.
No two people are motivated by exactly the same thing. Something that drives energy and inspiration in one person may send another person running for the door. So, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach here.
Some people like to work solo while others love group work. If those needs aren't met, this preference may cause clashes within a team. A strong leader will respect and encourage these differences.
For example, everyone has a different way that they prefer to learn and absorb information:
- Seeing Motivation: Want to see graphs, presentations, and visualizations
- Hearing Motivation: Want to talk things over and listen to others
- Reading Motivation: Prefer to read reports, articles, and stats
- Doing Motivation: Like to try things out and have a personal experience
All of these styles can co-exist within a team. Trust us, it works—as long as team leaders and other members identify and understand the needs and preferences of each member. That way, the visual communicators are just as prepared as the doers to make informed decisions and contribute their two cents.
When people get to work within their preferences, it unlocks their ideal work mode.
Think of the last time you had to work out of alignment with your motivations. Chances are, it was a draining and demotivating experience that impacted your performance. If you force team members with different drives to squeeze into a mold and work in the exact same way, it causes poor dynamics. Frustrations will fester, and members will undoubtedly be at odds.
Great leaders understand that everyone needs something different to help them do their best at work. They also recognize their own bias toward certain motivations, which can prevent them from seeing that others might differ. When you recognize your bias, you can start seeing the value of diversity.
5. Create shared goals
Creating clear shared goals is essential for rallying the troops and fostering positive team dynamics.
But it's important to realize that some people get motivated by goals, and others are inspired by avoiding problems. These problem-oriented people may appear to be negative as they tend to point out potential roadblocks—so it's all in the framing. Both angles are useful for achieving the goals you've set.
6. Build trust
Remember the Tuckman Model? We mentioned that during the "storming" phase there may be some conflict when people's preferences first collide.
Using collaboration and performance technology like Marlee allows you to bypass this phase for the most part. Keep in mind that any conflict that does arise is an opportunity to build relationships and cultivate a shared understanding. Take the time to lead by example. Engage in team cohesion, understanding, and trust-building.
Building a high-performing team is always going to require trust. It means people can rely on each other to put in the right amount of effort, and not slack off.
7. Prioritize adaptability and flexibility
Team leaders need to remember that flexibility is a gift for a team. Being able to adapt to new situations and information helps a team foster positive group dynamics.
For example, if a new team member enters the picture, a flexible group will be able to adapt to the new work setting. They'll form new dynamics with that person instead of staying stuck in the same way of doing things.
8. Encourage differences of opinion
Diversity isn't something that's nice to have, it's something that you need to have. Does it sometimes create team conflict? Sure. But, that conflict is important to high performance:
As J. Richard Hackman says:
Homogeneity... is a frequent problem because each of us works most easily and comfortably with people like ourselves... Our creativity would be higher if our group had a diverse mix of members - people who have real substantive differences in their views about how the work should be structured and executed. It is task-related conflict, not interpersonal harmony, that spurs team excellence.4
Marlee's research has found that homogeneous teams if they are all motivated in the same ways, will also have the same blind spots. This is when balls get dropped, and important things get missed.
In cognitively diverse teams, people can play to their motivational strengths. The detail-oriented person can check everything closely to ensure the nitty-gritty is perfect, while the big picture thinkers are already considering the next phase of the project. Tough conversations shouldn't be avoided, they should be embraced. As long as everyone understands that a range of styles gives the whole group strength, your team can work like a well-oiled machine.
9. Use the right tools to encourage collaboration
Technology should be your friend, which means you need to select the right tools you need to get the job done.
Atlassian found that on average, 31 hours per month get wasted in meetings.6 The annual cost of unnecessary, spam-like, and poorly written email ranges in the thousands of dollars. That shows why it's key to choose the right collaborative tools to cut down on wasted time and poor team dynamics.
10. Recognize motivational bias
If you aren't aware of your biases, you'll engage with people in the way that best suits you - rather than considering their needs.
As a team leader, the biggest thing you can do for team dynamics is to increase your own self-awareness and become more accepting, tolerant, and understanding of diversity.
If you foster an environment where diversity is embraced and celebrated, you'll create an exceptional team that can grow and learn new skills. They'll excel by playing on their motivational strengths.
For team leaders wanting to improve team effectiveness, the best thing to do is to start learning more about the subtle ways that our seemingly sneaky unconscious preferences and motivations shape us.
Ideally, you'll make them conscious. Encouraging everybody to talk about them openly can help you create a fulfilled team that understands that its superpowers ultimately lie in its differences.
The factors that impact team dynamics
We've covered a lot, but you probably still have some questions about team dynamics. You're in luck because we're answering some of the most common questions right here.
How does good leadership affect team dynamics?
Good team dynamics don't happen by magic—strong leadership skills are the not-so-secret sauce to making them happen.
We've all heard of businesses that assume putting a ping-pong table in the office break room creates a positive culture but don't do anything else to support that effort.
Leaders need to do more than those surface-level efforts to avoid weak leadership. They need to get involved in talking about the hidden beliefs, motivations, and preferences in the group, including their own. After all, there's little that's more powerful than leading by example.
How does hiring impact team dynamics?
Using Marlee's online coaching you can improve wellbeing while ensuring teams are balanced in your organization. Our research proves that you can:
- Reduce cognitive bias by up to 98% in hiring. Use our science-backed research in talent acquisition to increase team performance and increase diversity for a well-balanced team
- Reduce employee turnover by 62%. Using Marlee as a talent development tool keeps your team members engaged and motivated to do their best work
- Conduct 90% fewer interviews to hire the right candidate by ranking them based on their attitudes and motivations
- Reliably predict team and individual performance by 95% with our free assessment tool. You'll know exactly how to bring the best out of your team and keep them engaged
How does team size affect team dynamics?
Imagine a dinner party. Around four to six guests might be an ideal number—everyone can comfortably talk to everyone else, listen, and be heard. The bigger that table gets, the harder it is to have one focused conversation and for everyone to connect.
It's the same for teams. Harvard group dynamics expert, J Richard Hackman, who studied team dynamics for decades, says:
My rule of thumb is that no work team should have membership in the double digits (and my preferred size is six), since our research has shown that the number of performance problems a team encounters increases exponentially as team size increases.4
How does emotional intelligence lead to better workplace performance?
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions. It's also recognizing and understanding the emotions of others.
People with high EQ pick up on subtle communications which allow them to engage with others effortlessly. They manage challenging situations with greater ease than those with a lower EQ.
Marlee research shows correlations between people with higher emotional intelligence and high motivation for Affective Communication. Meaning the importance you place on the tone of voice, gestures, and non-verbal communication.
In short, the higher the EQ on your team, the more they'll be able to understand the subconscious interactions, impulses, and emotions at play.
While some people seem to have a naturally high EQ, everyone can improve this skill. Take our Increase EQ coaching program and learn how to read people better and increase your self-confidence.
How does personality affect team performance?
Personality tends to make people think of a static identity, which is why personality theory doesn't make much, sense for team dynamics.
Personality theory doesn't go deep enough to explain why some people become motivated and get energy from certain environments. That's because motivations, unlike personalities, constantly change. They change either very intentionally or due to significant emotional events throughout a person's life.
How does office layout affect team dynamics?
Something as simple as changing the layout of the space might improve your team dynamics.
As we already discussed, some people like to work solo, and others prefer group environments. So an entirely open office may cause challenges for the person who needs alone time.
The answer? Provide a mix of workspaces by offering a quiet space for solo work. Encourage understanding that the solo worker is doing high-quality work, even if they aren't visible.
How does generation affect team dynamics?
There's plenty of research on the differences between the numerous generations in today's workplace.
👉 Download Marlee's Gen Z at Work Study: Our 23-year-long research study reveals dramatic shifts in workplace motivations from Baby Boomers to Gen Z.
For example, Baby Boomers prefer a hierarchical, authority-led team.
In our own research, we've discovered that Generation X prefers taking sole responsibility for tasks. Meanwhile, millennials opt to self-organize in teams and share responsibility. Someone coming into a millennial team with an interest in solo responsibility may struggle. So, they might be best used on solo projects where they can take ownership of a particular task.
Each of these different preferences could co-exist in a single team. That team just needs to be flexible and understanding enough to accommodate them.
How will the future of work affect team dynamics?
Today's team is no longer guaranteed to have desks side-by-side in a single office. Remote, distributed, and flexible work and the gig economy are now the norm.
That means team dynamics as we know them will shift dramatically in the future workplace. Right now we're in flux. 40% of remote workers are part of teams with a mix of off and on-site members.5,
This presents a unique challenge for leaders. They need to make a strong team while managing the different needs. This comes with different time zones, languages, work, and communication styles.
Practical tips for improving your team's dynamics: a 4-step framework
1. Understand motivations
Are you starting to get a sense that understanding the motivations of your team members is important? We certainly hope so.
Before you gather your team, get a clear picture of what potential members' motivational preferences are. Using Marlee can help you quickly understand your team's individual and shared motivations, blind spots, values, and potential friction points.
With that information in your back pocket, you can start to think of each individual in your team as a puzzle piece. They can all fit together, they just need to be assembled in the right places and not forced into positions that aren't working.
2. Bring the team together
It's up to the leader to design the team to suit the task or project at hand. But, in doing so, they can't only consider motivations - they also have to identify a clear role for everyone needed to get the job done.
One of many examples of innovative team design can be found at startup unicorn Canva, which organizes its whole structure around goals.
The company is constantly reorganizing its teams to meet the "crazy big goals" it sets, ditching traditional job titles to make the most of the people behind the titles. Recently valued at $49 billion dollars, it's safe to say that Canva is doing a great job with rapid team development. Marlee helped support their rapid growth and mission to become the "'best place to work."
3. Design the space
Remember, it's not just about designing the team—you also need to adequately design the space that they're going to work in.
Make sure that you can accommodate both solo and group work, and confirm that you have the equipment you need to help the visualizers see, and the doers do.
4. Communicate about working styles
Once you've gathered the team together, it's smart to have an open discussion about who likes to do what at work and how. This gives everybody the opportunity to better understand each other. Some people on the team might prefer to see graphs before making a decision, while others will want to discuss with the group.
Using a tool like the motivation assessment is great because it also gives your team members a chance to understand their motivations and working styles. As a result, their work improves.
But when your team takes things a step further and begins to share and discuss their motivations with one another openly, they can get to know each other deeply and much faster than through traditional methods. As a result, compassion increases, conflict decreases, and truly amazing things start to happen.
Take it even further with our Zoom integration which provides a tool to improve virtual communication. When you know your colleagues learning preferences, you can share information in the format that suits them. Once you download the Zoom app, answer four questions to find out if you prefer seeing, hearing, doing, or reading/writing. Your top two preferences will show up as emojis on your Zoom screen. Be sure to invite your team to do the same so your communication preferences can be shared.
Great team dynamics aren't about everyone being the same – they're about understanding and embracing our differences. When teams click, it's because they've mastered the art of working with each generation's unique strengths. Whether you're steering meetings with Gen Z or brainstorming with Boomers, remember: the magic happens when we create space for everyone to shine in their own way. That's when teams don't just work – they soar.
Ready to spark better team dynamics? Start for free with Marlee, and let's bring out the best in your team. ✨
1. New York Times,
2. National Library of Medicine,
3. West Chester University,
4. Harvard Business School,
5. Buffer,
6. Atlassian,