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Contributor Guidelines

Are you interested in writing for Fingerprint For Success?  Find out what we're looking for and how to create a successful pitch.

Meet Our Contributing Writers
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At Fingerprint For Success (F4S), we care deeply about supporting everyone in the world to be the best version of themselves in work and life through our collaboration and performance AI.

Through our content we aim to provide our community with first-hand experiences from our team, coaches, partners and contributors to bring unique perspectives and opinions to light to support the personal development of our community. Our content is well-researched, fact-checked and evidence based.

Our regular contributors have expertise in human development, coaching and psychology and contribute to a variety of leading global publishers, to ensure our content provides our community with cutting edge insights to support individual and team growth and success

Our content covers a wide range of topics to support work, career, leadership, financial, well-being and relationships and is published as long form blogs on our website, and in our social media and email channels.

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If you’d like to contribute content to the F4S community, here are the qualities we aim for when evaluating pitches

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We’re looking for authentic, reputable and credible first-hand knowledge and life experiences about the topics we explore.

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Our Contributors must be experts in their field. What knowledge or skill base are you able to share on the subject matter? Can our readers trust the insights you’re offering? What credentials do you have on the topic?

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As well as your experience and authority on the subject, our content must be evidence-based. We love to include supporting research or quotes from reputable sources to back up opinions and insights shared.

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Original perspectives

When writing for F4S, we look for a unique perspective or opinion on the subjects we’re covering. We love to delight our community with fresh thinking.

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We often write about complex subjects, so we look for writers that can explain complex subjects in accessible language, with practical examples that bring ideas to life in the real world.

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Emotionally engaging

We’re after writers who can capture the attention of our community immediately and touch them emotionally with innovative thoughts and ideas.

At F4S, we’re commited to diversity, equity, and inclusion, so it’s important our contributors come from diverse locations, backgrounds and life experiences

If you have a new perspective that you don’t think is well represented on our website, we’d love to hear from you.


Requirements for contribution pitches

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Please provide relevant examples of your work.

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Your idea

Include a short synopsis and brief outline of your idea. We’re after content that is evergreen so avoid topics that will date.

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We understand AI writing technology is useful for research and outlines, but all content we publish must be original and provide unique perspectives and experiences, not found elsewhere.

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Please understand it takes time to review pitches, so our decision is final if your pitch is not selected.

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Interested in writing for us?

Tell us a bit more about yourself by completing our form.

Please note, we only link to relevant reputable publishers that provide value to our community.
Please don't contact us with link exchange requests, as these will be ignored.

Express Interest

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