
With our advanced people analytics and coaching platform you can improve hiring outcomes, quickly design high-performing teams and build a strong company culture.
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F4S assesses individual and team work styles of current employees and potential candidates.

Based on more than 20 years of research, F4S removes bias by providing metrics on what motivates your employees and guidance on how to harness those insights.

Through artificial intelligence and human coaching, you can better understand your team's unique strengths and harness them to achieve peak performance. Plus measure, track, and optimize team performance, wellbeing, and your unique company culture.

Outcomes with F4S:

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Rapidly form teams and assign tasks based on complementary strengths to optimize performance.

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Make data-driven decisions around the recruiting process, hiring, team-building, and business growth.

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Help leaders and employees overcome hurdles and step into their full potential through cost-effective (and scalable) personalized coaching programs.

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How F4S helps enterprise companies

Measure Work Styles

F4S measures 48 different work traits so you can assign projects and build teams based on individual motivations and watch performance skyrocket.

Power of Difference

Diversity strengthens teams when you know how to harness your differences. F4S pinpoints differences and offers tips to channel distinct strengths toward your goals.

Evidence-Based Insights

F4S is not based on a personality test; it measures work motivations. Backed by 20+ years of research, it is infused with insights from some of the world's best coaches.

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It all starts with the F4S work style assessment.

Take our work style assessment to uncover your work motivations and find out which blind spots may be holding you back.

You'll receive a detailed report that benchmarks your data against real-world top performers and provides actionable tips for building your strengths and overcoming blind spots.

F4S can also be used in the hiring process. Invite qualified candidates to take the F4S assessment and see how they align with your company culture and the job at hand.

"There's a lot of focus on hard skills. But at a company, what's absolutely critical is communication and soft skills —the things most companies don't spend enough time focusing on. And F4S has been an amazing tool to help us do that."

Melanie Perkins
Co-founder & CEO, Canva

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Build strengths with scalable coaching

Make coaching available to everyone on your team—not just leaders. With our A.I. coach Marlee, you can take personalized programs that help you work toward a specific goal.

Want to hone your intuition? Marlee has a program for that. Want to get better at taking the initiative instead of waiting for others to lead? Marlee's got you covered!

Whatever the goal, there's a program for it. And if not, our team of coaches can customize a program that fits.

"I embarked on a coaching program to improve my leadership qualities and overcome obstacles that were holding me back.

What I got was a transformational experience that greatly improved my leadership skills and in addition, became a better parent and husband. It was an experience I will never forget."

Mark Rowland
Founder StyleTread, Past CEO Wagamama

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Invite your entire team and grow together.

When all of your employees use F4S, you can compare work styles and track team culture and growth over time. 

You’ll also receive contextual insights and concrete examples of how you can work better together, even if you’re distributed or working remotely around the world.

"F4S allows you to analyse a person's characteristics and natural fall backs. With these deep insights, subjectivity is removed and we can focus on the employees' growth to foster an environment of inclusion, support and belonging."

Lorraine Longato
Business Innovation Strategist, SAP

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People strategy for rapid growth

Behind the successful people you know, there’s a coach.

The world’s top companies use us to bring out the best in their teams:
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The ROI of coaching

Coaching increases productivity by 88% — vs. 22% with just training alone.  [1]

"F4S has helped me understand how I work and improved how I work with others (as I now understand key strengths.)

F4S is a central component of our people growth strategy at Canva and empowers us to harness our unique culture and optimise performance as we scale."

Cliff Obrecht
Co-founder & COO, Canva

Get started today

Book your free demo, download a guide or get started in the app.

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