60 Fun work conversation starters (Beyond ‘What do you do?’)
Tired of asking, 'What do you do?' at work? Explore 60 fresh conversation starters that ease social anxiety, spark genuine connections, and help you connect with coworkers in any setting.
- Author
Amy Rigby
At work, conversation starters like 'What do you do?' are common, yet can feel stale. According to Harvard research, asking questions—especially follow-ups—makes people like you more. Below, explore authentic, practical conversation starters to build rapport and spark a connection in any work setting, from in-person meetings to virtual chats. Remember to introduce yourself and gauge the moment before diving in.
For networking at conferences, workshops, and meetings
What to do: Because networking is focused on making connections to further your career, keep it professional and focus on the topic of the event at hand. The great thing about conferences, workshops, and industry events is that they give you loads of topics to talk about.
What not to do: Unless you know the person well, you may want to avoid cracking jokes or trespassing into taboo territory (I’m thinking of the time a guy at a work conference asked me how much my company was paying me).
- “If you were to give a talk at this conference, what would it be about?”
- “What’s been your favorite talk so far?”
- “Which workshop are you most excited about?”
- “What’s your biggest takeaway from this conference?”
- “If you were in charge of this event next year, what would you change?”
- “What do you think is the biggest misconception about [industry]?”
- “What did you think about [specific speaker or workshop]?” Only ask this if you know they attended it, of course!
- “Tell me more about your role at [company name].”
- “I’m a fan of your work! [Insert specific compliment about their work.]”
- “If you didn’t have the job you have now, what would you do instead?”
- “What do you think of [city you’re in] so far?”
- “This is my first time in this city. Do you have any recommendations for what I should see?”
For other work-related social events
What to do: Social events are more relaxed, so being playful or humorous is fine. Also, your conversations do not have to be about work.
What not to do: Don’t stick to the same group of work friends you hang out with at the office. Branch out and get to know someone new. This will stretch and strengthen your conversation skills.
- “What’s the best book you’ve read recently?”
- “I’ve been really into podcasts lately. Any recommendations?”
- “Have you tried the [a specific food or drink being served]? You might want to before I [eat/drink] it all!”
- “What exciting projects have you been working on, either at work or in your personal life?”
- “What do you do when you’re not working?”
- “What do you daydream about at work?”
- “When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?”
- “If you were invited to give a TED Talk, what would it be about?”
- “What’s your favorite question to ask someone when trying to get to know them?”
For connecting with team members during stressful times
What to do: During times of high stress, your conversation starters might have one of the following goals: checking in on your coworker, diffusing the situation (such as with a joke), and/or getting to the root of the problem.
What not to do: Now is not the time to make assumptions or accusations. Avoid conversation starters that begin with “you’re being so…” or “why do you always…” And please, never tell someone they look tired.
- “What do you do to decompress these days? I’ve just been stress-eating chocolate.” That last part should be said with a smile or a laugh so they understand you’re joking.
- “I’m so ready for this month to be over.” This statement will convey that you’re struggling, which may give the other person the freedom to express their struggles too.
- “After all this, are we all gonna need a vacation or what?”
- “If you could wave a magic wand that would fix everything, what would your ideal life look like?”
- “These long workdays have been killing me. How are you handling it?”
- “Hey, I know it’s been rough with [the problem] going on. Anything I can do to support you?”
- “These are stressful times. Can I [insert specific offer to help]?” This was something my landlord said to me recently, offering to waive rent next month. Though I’d never spoken to her before, this kicked off a heartfelt conversation where we checked in with each other and were able to share our concerns.
- “I feel like there’s a lot of tension in the air lately. Would you like to talk about it?”
- “Hey, I’ve been worried about you. Are you okay?” Yes, it’s direct, but it works wonders to show someone you care, particularly if you are already close to this team member.
For bonding with team members who work remotely
What to do: If it’s part of your workplace culture, make use of emojis, GIFs, or the classic “haha” at the end of a sentence to provide the emotional feedback that plain text lacks. Add as many layers of communication as you can; for example, audio is better than text, but video is even better than audio.
What not to do: Sarcasm is one of the hardest things to convey via text, so be sure to use the abovementioned tools.
- “Did you hear about [news-related event]? How’s it affecting the place you live?”
- “What’s one thing you’re excited about this week?”
- “What’s the weather like in your part of the world?”
- “We’re having an all-hands meeting next Friday. Are you joining via video?” Remote workers may feel left out when they can’t be physically present in the office. This question shows that you’re thinking of them and want to include them.
- “I loved [insert a project they worked on]. What was your biggest challenge in accomplishing that?”
- “What do you wish more people knew about you?”
- Share an update about the office where you work. Did your boss install a coffee bar? Did your coworkers go on a volunteer trip last weekend? Remote team members often don’t know what’s happening at the office. A glimpse into daily office life can help them feel more in the loop. In turn, they may share what’s happening in their lives, too.
Quirky conversation starters
I get it. You’re a go-getter and a rule-breaker (at Marlee, we call this Indifference), so you're unafraid of straying from convention. Here are a few quirky conversation starters that will definitely make you memorable.
What to do: Use facial expressions (e.g., a smile) and a chuckle to make it known you’re joking.
What not to do: Don’t make jokes at the expense of your conversation partner; this will likely offend them if they don’t know you. Sticking to self-deprecating humor can be a good idea.
- “I’m just here for the food.” Great conversation starter to throw out there while you’re piling your plate with hors d'oeuvres. Years ago, I said this to the dean of my college at a networking event. Part of me was afraid he’d find it unprofessional, but he got a good laugh out of it, and it must have left an impression because he remembered me afterward and was always helpful in my career pursuits.
- “What meme best describes your week so far?” This might encourage them to pull out their phone and show you the latest memes they shared, which could lead to a funny conversation.
- “What are your views on [the Oxford comma]?” This question is specific to my industry since I’m in the writing industry. But basically, you want to put any issue within your industry that inspires lively debate inside the brackets. It's a pretty benign topic (we don’t want to get into any fights here).
- “Do you think small talk is useful? Why or why not?”
- “Should Pluto be a planet again? And what makes you think that?”
- “Is a hot dog a sandwich? Make your case.”
- “Do you like cats?” Judge me if you want, but I’ve used this question many times. As a cat lover, it helps me connect with fellow cat lovers. And even if someone doesn’t like cats, it’s such an oddball question that it usually solicits a laugh followed by animated discussion.
Conversation starters for introverts
What to do: If you’re an introvert, the context will matter just as much as the content of the conversation. Introverts are often highly motivated by being in what we call a Solo Environment and are more easily drained by stimulation and interactions than extroverts, so try to find a quiet, uncrowded area to talk to someone one-on-one. Also, introverts often prefer meaningful conversations over small talk, so don’t be afraid to lead with a more profound question.
What not to do: Avoid trying to strike up a conversation with a large group of people. Instead of trying to chat with five people standing in a circle by the bar, watch for someone on their own; you’ll feel much more comfortable approaching them.
- “Hi! I’m [name].” Then stick out your hand for a handshake. This is a fail-proof way to start a conversation, as the other person will naturally respond with their name. From there, you can ask pretty much any of the questions mentioned in this article.
- “I feel like I’ve found my fellow introverts. May I join you?” I used this exact conversation starter at a blogging conference I attended last year, and I made some friends this way! How did I know they were introverts? Two sat quietly at a table while everyone else was having boisterous conversations in groups by the buffet.
- “Hey! Have you met [insert the name of the person you’re talking to]?” I love to use this line when I’m already having a conversation with someone and I notice someone else standing alone. It’s a nice way to do a fellow introvert (or shy person) a favor by including them in a conversation if they don’t feel comfortable starting one themselves.
- “I love people-watching. Have you observed anything interesting?”
- “If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?”
- “What’s something you’ve noticed at this event that others may have overlooked?”
- “What’s one lifelong dream you haven’t yet fulfilled?”
- “What’s one thing you wish people would ask you about?”
- “When you’re having trouble sleeping, what is it that’s usually keeping you awake?”
- “Tell me an obstacle in your life that you’ve overcome.” I’ve got to give credit to journalist Steve Hartman for this one. For his award-winning series Everybody Has a Story, Hartman used to throw a dart at a map, travel to the town where it landed, randomly choose a person’s name from a local phonebook, interview them, and produce a heartwarming story. When he did a Q&A at my journalism school in 2010, Hartman said this was the best question to ask someone to discover their story.
Tried-and-true conversation starters (for when all else fails)
Why they’re useful: Yes, they’re trite, but that also means they never catch people off guard or embarrass them. They’re an easy way to segue into a more meaningful conversation and get to know someone. These work particularly well for total strangers.
- “What do you do?”
- “What’s your name?”
- “How’s your day been so far?”
- “What do you think of this event?”
- “How long have you lived here?”
- “Doing anything fun this weekend?”
Beyond conversation starters: How to keep a conversation going
Ask follow-up questions.
Follow-up questions are ones in which you ask your conversation partner to elaborate on something they said earlier. They show you’re actively listening, making the other person feel interesting and validated. According to the Harvard researchers I mentioned earlier, the only way you can ask a good follow-up question is if you:
- Ask an original question.
- Listen to the answer.
- Probe for more information.
Don’t resort to gossip.
Researcher Brené Brown points out, we often use gossip to “hot wire connection,” when in reality, it doesn’t foster true closeness.
Pay attention to tone, body language, facial expressions, and words.
Some people are Affective communicators who rely on emotions, tone, and non-verbal gestures. How can you tell? These people speak with their bodies and are often animated. Others are Neutral communicators who focus on the meaning of words. They may be hard to read, so it’s important to hone in on their words and, in return, choose your words carefully.
💬 Discover your communication style and that of your teammates by answering questions on what motivates you. Gain insights to help everyone feel understood, connected, and safe to be themselves at work.
Match your conversation partner’s communication style.
Even if you’re an expert conversationalist, we’ve all been in a situation where it feels like no matter what we say, we can’t connect. Everyone has a communication style that sometimes differs from ours, which can lead to misunderstanding.
If you’re struggling to connect with your team, once you've answered questions on what motivates you, you can invite your team to do the same to learn the motivations and communication styles that make your team tick. That way, you can adapt your communications to suit your teammates.
👉 Learn how to create a team workspace

A Marlee team board showing work style similarities and differences
Relax, you’re doing better than you think
Armed with these 60 conversation starters, you’ll never run out of things to say (or ask) at your next networking event. Remember, asking questions can increase your likeability; it shows you find the other person interesting (and who doesn’t like to feel interesting?) And even the most trite conversation starters—like “What do you do?”—can eventually lead to deeper, more meaningful discussions when paired with thoughtful follow-up questions.
And if you make a blunder? No one will likely hold it against you. In a study published in Psychological Science, researchers found that, after conversing with someone, we routinely underestimate how much they liked us and enjoyed our company.
So don’t be so hard on yourself! The study authors noted: “After people have conversations, they are liked more than they know.”