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What are the most advanced chatbots in 2024?
Productivity Tools

What are the most advanced chatbots in 2024?

The chatbot industry has progressed in leaps and bounds. Gone are the days when AI-powered chatbots meant frustrating interactions with the so-called 'customer service representatives' on your online banking app. 

Emma Norris
Why career planning is essential for career resilience
Change Career

Why career planning is essential for career resilience

Throughout most of history, the words ‘career planning’ would have made little sense. Careers were often pre-determined by location, social status, or gender.

William Haigen
The best soft skills assessment to identify top talent
Leadership Skills

The best soft skills assessment to identify top talent

Raise your hand if you've ever hired someone, only to find out they weren't a good match for the role. Guess how much those well-intentioned but misguided decisions are costing your business? CareerBuilder gives it a price tag of nearly US$17,000 on average1 and that's just for one bad hire.

Amy Rigby
Your ultimate guide to pre-employment assessments
Hiring Tips

Your ultimate guide to pre-employment assessments

Hiring challenges are at a 15-year high. COVID-19 has reshaped people's views on work and what they want from it. In the midst of this ‘Great Mismatch’, 69% of companies worldwide face talent shortages. Some 19 million US workers have quit their jobs since 2021. 73% of employees want flexible, remote work options and 67% feel leaders neglect their well-being, which means employee satisfaction, motivation, and company culture have suffered.

Anam Hassan
100 Self performance review examples & writing tips
Personal Development

100 Self performance review examples & writing tips

Effective self-performance review goals are crucial for personal development and career success. By setting these goals, you can assess your performance, identify areas for improvement, and take charge of your professional growth. This article provides 100 self-performance review examples and expert writing tips to help you create compelling self-evaluations that showcase your achievements and impress your managers.

Aleney de Winter
Achieve goals faster: The best goal-tracking apps for 2024
Productivity Tools

Achieve goals faster: The best goal-tracking apps for 2024

Failing to achieve your goals? I’ll tell you why. The average human attention span is shrinking drastically. It has decreased to 8.25 seconds (down from 12 seconds) between 2000 and 2015.1

Anam Hassan
8 best team communication tools and how to use them in 2024
Team Performance

8 best team communication tools and how to use them in 2024

In today's fast-paced, increasingly interconnected business landscape, cultivating a positive team culture through effective communication is key. But if you have a remote or hybrid team, clear and effective communication can be challenging.That's where team communication tools come in.

William Haigen
The amazing advantages of ADHD at work
Workplace Wellbeing

The amazing advantages of ADHD at work

Every year in October marks ADHD Awareness Month, a campaign for educating, advocating for, and empowering individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). And here at F4S, that’s cause for celebration!

William Haigen
6 team leader qualities inspiring trust and productivity at work
Team Performance

6 team leader qualities inspiring trust and productivity at work

77% of businesses are experiencing a leadership gap.1 As a result, many businesses don’t have enough professionals with the necessary qualities to effectively lead their teams.

Jessica Orika
6 of the best AI sales coaching platforms for the future
Team Performance

6 of the best AI sales coaching platforms for the future

Coaching is one of the fastest ways to increase productivity, by 88% in fact, that’s nearly 4 times the rate of training alone.1 So why is it effective?

Anam Hassan
How to convince people in the workplace: 8 persuasive tips
Personal Development

How to convince people in the workplace: 8 persuasive tips

From hiring freezes to stagnating wages,¹ many organizations are at a standstill as they attempt to make sense of these challenging times. It goes without saying that this state of inertia is preferable to periods of chaos marked by layoffs and company shutdowns. However, in a time when many leaders are stuck in survival mode, asking for what you want feels like a tall order.

Emma Norris
Teamwork matters: Why teamwork is vital to remote and hybrid teams
Company Culture

Teamwork matters: Why teamwork is vital to remote and hybrid teams

In the aftermath of the pandemic, what it means to be a part of a team, and how to work within a team have shifted dramatically. With the new models of hybrid and remote work, crucial elements to effective teamwork are being lost.

William Haigen
11 Essential team building skills for better performance
Team Performance

11 Essential team building skills for better performance

In 2023, 80% of employees and employers say that building a sense of community at work is crucial.¹ However, while organizations acknowledge the importance of team harmony and cohesion, the current professional landscape makes this challenging to sustain.

Emma Norris

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