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Career Skills

Career skills help you do a great job, communicate well, and get promoted, but these same skills will also help you thrive in your life outside of work.

That's why we created this collection of expert guides and coaching programs to help you learn how to identify and improve on the different types of career skills. Let's start hacking your work and life!

How to stop being passive-aggressive: 8 strategies for 2024
Work Relationships

How to stop being passive-aggressive: 8 strategies for 2024

Struggling with a passive-aggressive manner? It's a pattern where expressing anger directly feels impossible, leading to turmoil in relationships. But change is possible. Discover key traits and triggers behind passive-aggression and unlock effective communication strategies for a happier life.

Amy Rigby
Conscientiousness: Why it matters, and seven ways to develop it
Work Relationships

Conscientiousness: Why it matters, and seven ways to develop it

As defined in Psychology Today: “Conscientiousness is a fundamental personality trait—one of the Big Five—that reflects the tendency to be responsible, organized, hard-working, goal-directed, and to adhere to norms and rules. Like the other core personality factors, it has multiple facets; conscientiousness comprises self-control, industriousness, responsibility, and reliability.”

Ted Bauer
How to set goals and achieve them: the art of getting things done
Productivity Tools

How to set goals and achieve them: the art of getting things done

Have you ever met a chronic goal-setter who seems to have endless plans for world domination but never quite seems to follow through?

Michael Metcalf
How to prioritize tasks (and stop putting out fires)
Productivity Tools

How to prioritize tasks (and stop putting out fires)

Even before COVID shifted us to thinking about a “New Normal,” people were stressed at work. Four years ago, Groupon commissioned a study of 2,000+ professionals about their work lives. Some findings:

Ted Bauer
Assertiveness Training: What it is, plus 7 tips to get you started
Personal Development

Assertiveness Training: What it is, plus 7 tips to get you started

You said "yes" to yet another responsibility at work that you don't have time for. You let your friend borrow money, even though she never pays you back. You didn't tell the waiter that they got your order wrong, so you ended up with a meal you didn't even like. If things like this keep happening to you, you might wonder if you'd benefit from assertiveness training.

Amy Rigby
The difference between hard and soft skills (you need both)
Personal Development

The difference between hard and soft skills (you need both)

In an evolving professional landscape, the distinction between hard and soft skills is increasingly important.

Aleney de Winter
How to start managing your boss (with no hard feelings)
Work Relationships

How to start managing your boss (with no hard feelings)

Managing your boss, often referred to as “managing up” (with the idea of “managing down” being conventional management, i.e. you as a manager to your direct reports), is a very important aspect of work -- and, honestly, of happiness at work. 

Ted Bauer
The 5 characteristics of emotional intelligence in leadership
Personal Development

The 5 characteristics of emotional intelligence in leadership

Have you ever known someone who was highly intelligent, yet struggled socially and seemed to get in their own way when it came to their career progression?

Tiffany Franklin
The post-COVID guide to self fulfillment
Find Your Passion

The post-COVID guide to self fulfillment

The dictionary definition is “the full use of one’s own abilities” or “the ability to make yourself happy and complete through your own efforts.” 

Ted Bauer
Talent vs skill — which is more important?
Personal Development

Talent vs skill — which is more important?

Many people use the terms talent vs skills interchangeably. For example, you could hear someone say “she’s a really talented marketer” or "he’s a highly skilled accountant”. But there’s a massive difference between talent and skill.

Bev Campling
The truth about personality tests (according to a 20-year study)
Find Your Passion

The truth about personality tests (according to a 20-year study)

The use of personality tests to identify character traits and predict human behaviors has grown exponentially since the early 1900s. The first mainstream test was probably the Rorschach test created by Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach in 1921. It’s based on how a user identifies a series of inkblots. Analysis of the user’s perceptions is believed to give insight into their thought patterns.

Bev Campling
How to improve emotional intelligence in 20 minutes a week
Personal Development

How to improve emotional intelligence in 20 minutes a week

Ever notice how some people seem to have an uncanny ability to read the room? They are masters at making others feel comfortable and utilize their understanding of people to guide their interactions in professional and personal settings.

Tiffany Franklin
10 skills you need to thrive in the gig economy
Change Career

10 skills you need to thrive in the gig economy

If you’ve ever called a Lyft, had Postmates bring food to your door, or ordered a logo on Fiverr—you’ve participated in the gig economy.

Amy Rigby

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