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Crafting SMART goals for professional development: Your roadmap
Productivity Tools

Crafting SMART goals for professional development: Your roadmap

Are you looking to take your career to the next level? Setting SMART goals is a powerful strategy for driving professional development and achieving success. In this blog, we'll dive deep into the world of SMART goals - what they are, why they matter, and how to craft them effectively. We'll provide concrete examples and step-by-step guides to help you master the art of goal-setting. Plus, you'll discover proven strategies for staying on track and turning your ambitious objectives into reality.

William Haigen
How to influence people (without being manipulative)
Work Relationships

How to influence people (without being manipulative)

Did you know you can influence people to do whatever you want?

Michael Metcalf
The different types of power: which one is best for leaders?
Leadership Types

The different types of power: which one is best for leaders?

What is power? Whether we like it or not, we all exercise power over each other every day. We use our position, status, knowledge, or influence to get people to do what we want.

Michael Metcalf
What is executive presence (and why do you need it)?
Leadership Skills

What is executive presence (and why do you need it)?

The best leaders are the ones who can command the attention of a room and immediately draw you into their vision. But is there a name for this special skill or characteristic? Some call it executive presence. While it’s a common buzzword in leadership development training, it’s truly a trait that can set you apart from others and help you establish a reputation of respect and knowledge.

Kat Boogaard
How to create a 5 year plan that fires you up (with examples)
Productivity Tools

How to create a 5 year plan that fires you up (with examples)

Do you know what you’re doing in five years? Or, do you know what you want to be doing in five years?

Kat Boogaard
Strategic leadership: What it is and why it matters
Leadership Types

Strategic leadership: What it is and why it matters

Great leaders can be hard to come by. In fact, Gallup's research shows that only about 10% of people have the natural talent to manage others and only 22% of employees strongly agree their leaders have a clear direction for their organization.

Kat Boogaard
23 science-backed ways to combat emotional exhaustion
Mental Health

23 science-backed ways to combat emotional exhaustion

You can’t give what you don’t have. Emotional exhaustion depletes you of the ability to empathize with others, show compassion, cry with them or even laugh with them. This particular symptom of burnout is felt especially by professionals in demanding, people-oriented fields that are high in emotional labor, such as health care, social work, and teaching.

Amy Rigby
How to start journaling (and stick with the habit)
General Wellbeing

How to start journaling (and stick with the habit)

As a child, you might have had a journal where you wrote about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It may have been an outlet to turn to when no one else could understand what you were feeling or going through.

Kat Boogaard
How to be brave: 8 strategies to have more courage
General Wellbeing

How to be brave: 8 strategies to have more courage

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Kat Boogaard
What is divergent thinking? Definition, examples and its link to creativity
Productivity Tools

What is divergent thinking? Definition, examples and its link to creativity

Divergent thinking lies at the heart of creativity. It's a way of figuring out answers, solutions and ideas in a free-flowing, spontaneous way.

Michael Metcalf
How to stop worrying: 9 tips to stop anxiety and stress
Mental Health

How to stop worrying: 9 tips to stop anxiety and stress

Most of us have worries or will experience anxious thoughts from time to time.

Kat Boogaard
The power of self-acceptance — and 12 ways to build it
General Wellbeing

The power of self-acceptance — and 12 ways to build it

“How often are you kind to yourself and think you're fine as you are?”

Amy Rigby
What are self-managed teams (and how do they work)?
Team Performance

What are self-managed teams (and how do they work)?

Collaboration is here to stay in the workplace. That's unsurprising, considering it has many benefits.

Kat Boogaard

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