Unlocking Gen Z at Work: A Generational Impact Study 2024

Picture of Emma Norris

Emma Norris

Emma is a freelance writer, progress strategist, and author of Progress Over Perfection. Armed with a Bachelor in Media and Journalism and a Graduate Diploma in Psychology (and soon to graduate with a Masters in Business Psychology), she's passionate about helping people and organizations become fully actualized. She also founded the self-development brand The Progress Co, where she turns potential into progress. Emma's work has appeared in Cosmopolitan, New York Times' T Magazine, Marie Claire, and Women's Health, and she's worked with companies such as Canva, Noom, and Deliveroo.

50 questions to get to know someone: build a deep connection
Communication Skills

50 questions to get to know someone: build a deep connection

Whether it's our colleagues, family members, or even partners, we all have people we see regularly. We know their life story. Their habits and quirks (sometimes a little too well), where they grew up, and their star sign. But, how well do we know them, really? Read on for our guide to the best questions to spark meaningful conversations and build deeper connections with the people around you.

Emma Norris
How to transform your leadership with executive coaching
Business Skills

How to transform your leadership with executive coaching

Whether you’re already in the C-suite or on your way up, executive coaching is your best-kept secret for workplace success. Discover how this powerful tool can help you become more empathetic, strategic, and effective when navigating the many leadership challenges.

Emma Norris
Mastering business acumen: Your key to professional success
Business Skills

Mastering business acumen: Your key to professional success

Mastering business acumen is crucial for career success. It's not just about innovative ideas; it's about making smart decisions that drive growth. Discover how to develop this essential skillset and step confidently into leadership roles.

Emma Norris
How to manifest your desires — a simple, 3-step approach
General Wellbeing

How to manifest your desires — a simple, 3-step approach

Have you ever met someone who inexplicably seems to get everything they want in life? Someone attuned to their deepest desires who seems to effortlessly make everything a reality? 

Emma Norris
How to manifest anything: Turning your dreams into reality
General Wellbeing

How to manifest anything: Turning your dreams into reality

When it comes to career goals, many of us find ourselves in a tug-of-war, pushing hard toward our desires but meeting resistance from external forces. 

Emma Norris
What are the most advanced chatbots in 2024?
Productivity Tools

What are the most advanced chatbots in 2024?

The chatbot industry has progressed in leaps and bounds. Gone are the days when AI-powered chatbots meant frustrating interactions with the so-called 'customer service representatives' on your online banking app. 

Emma Norris
The best AI apps to talk to for life, career & relationships
Productivity Tools

The best AI apps to talk to for life, career & relationships

Picture this: You roll out of bed, and your energetic assistant fills you in on the weather and your upcoming appointments for the day. Then, your stylist, who has already put together an outfit to suit the temperature, suggests the perfect accessory to finish off the look.

Emma Norris
How to convince people in the workplace: 8 persuasive tips
Personal Development

How to convince people in the workplace: 8 persuasive tips

From hiring freezes to stagnating wages,¹ many organizations are at a standstill as they attempt to make sense of these challenging times. It goes without saying that this state of inertia is preferable to periods of chaos marked by layoffs and company shutdowns. However, in a time when many leaders are stuck in survival mode, asking for what you want feels like a tall order.

Emma Norris
11 Essential team building skills for better performance
Team Performance

11 Essential team building skills for better performance

In 2023, 80% of employees and employers say that building a sense of community at work is crucial.¹ However, while organizations acknowledge the importance of team harmony and cohesion, the current professional landscape makes this challenging to sustain.

Emma Norris
How to motivate yourself to work, even on your most distracted days
Find Your Passion

How to motivate yourself to work, even on your most distracted days

If, despite your best intentions, you're struggling with a lack of motivation in your professional life, you're not alone. In light of the record-high cost of living and the ever-looming threat of layoffs, research shows that employee morale is at an all-time low.¹ When it feels like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, starting that work project can feel near impossible. Yet, the work just keeps on coming, and we have no choice but to complete it if we want to keep those bills paid.

Emma Norris
Top executive coaching management software tips from Canva
Business Skills

Top executive coaching management software tips from Canva

The primary role of an executive leader is to make strategic, high-level decisions that steer the company toward success. In a time when the future is clouded by uncertainty, those choices become even more challenging and higher stake. As a result, CEOs and other C-suite executives need more support than ever — not only to make the right decisions but also to look after their own mental and physical well-being.

Emma Norris
How to run a team dynamics workshop to supercharge your team
Team Performance

How to run a team dynamics workshop to supercharge your team

No two teams are exactly alike — each has its own unique 'fingerprint', shaped by the distinct traits and personalities of its members. In a modern world where remote work has become the norm, these dynamics aren't necessarily easy to see. However, they're always there under the surface, steering how teams communicate, collaborate, and work towards common goals.

Emma Norris
How to excel at quiet hiring in 2024
Team Performance

How to excel at quiet hiring in 2024

If you've spent any time on the internet over the last year, you've likely encountered the term 'quiet quitting'. Estimated to make up around 50% of the US workforce,¹ quiet quitters are disengaged employees who do the bare minimum to keep their jobs.

Emma Norris
Can Teamwork software make your remote team more productive?
Team Performance

Can Teamwork software make your remote team more productive?

Collaborating with a teammate was once as simple as leaning into the next cubicle and asking a question. Now, with a growing number of teams working remote or hybrid, virtual communication is becoming the norm. This has created a raft of new challenges for organizations, from disengaged teams to drawn-out onboarding processes.

Emma Norris
The best HR onboarding software: engage talent from day one
Team Performance

The best HR onboarding software: engage talent from day one

Hiring the right person can be a long and challenging process. To avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes, you want to ensure you find the best fit from the get-go. But, what happens after you find that one-of-a-kind new recruit matters as much, if not more.

Emma Norris
Online business coaching software to grow your practice
Become an Entrepreneur

Online business coaching software to grow your practice

The ever-impending financial downturn, changing work attitudes, The Great Resignation... such unparalleled challenges mean company leaders need more support than ever. Armed with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, business coaches are perfectly positioned to provide this guidance. And, with the demand for coaching compounding by 6.7% every year, there's never been a better time to be an online business coach¹.

Emma Norris
CoachHub digital coaching vs Fingerprint for Success

CoachHub digital coaching vs Fingerprint for Success

With one in five people believing a global recession is 'highly likely' in 2023, it's safe to say the modern workforce has a lot on its mind¹. Organizations are facing tighter budgets, and seeing a decline in morale and engagement².

Emma Norris
Evidence-based HR: inside F4S' research
General Leadership

Evidence-based HR: inside F4S' research

The landscape of work is rapidly changing. In light of financial uncertainty and the rise of automation, organizations are under increased pressure to make every dollar count. With the cost of a bad hire costing up to 2.5 times the individual's salary¹, this means hiring the right people from the get go.

Emma Norris
What is the future of work? Preparing for the new frontier
General Leadership

What is the future of work? Preparing for the new frontier

There's no doubt about it – change is coming. From the remote work revolution to the proliferation of AI technology, the workplace is transforming before our eyes. In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has irrevocably shifted the way we work. And, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Impending financial downturns combined with technological advances are set to create the perfect storm for transformation.

Emma Norris
9 practical tips for developing leaders at every level
General Leadership

9 practical tips for developing leaders at every level

In the current climate, organizations face more complex challenges than ever before. In these tumultuous economic conditions, employers must think outside the box to engage and retain staff.

Emma Norris
How to pick the right digital coaching platform for your business: 7 options

How to pick the right digital coaching platform for your business: 7 options

With gloomy economic conditions on the horizon, investing in professional development has never been more important. To retain staff and maintain culture, organizations must make leadership development, wellbeing initiatives and team-building a priority, not an afterthought. In the face of tightening budgets, digital coaching enables organizations to do this in an accessible and scalable way.

Emma Norris
Can online business coaching help you reach your goals?

Can online business coaching help you reach your goals?

Skill shortages, looming recessions, evolving work attitudes…. the post-pandemic business landscape is challenging, to say the least. From navigating hybrid work to attracting and retaining the right people, business leaders face more complex problems than ever before. Traditionally, if leaders needed a sounding board, they had to lean on peers, advisors, and board members. However, with the rise of virtual business coaching, impartial advice and guidance have never been more accessible.

Emma Norris
Can a life coach help with depression? Key facts to know.
Mental Health

Can a life coach help with depression? Key facts to know.

If you’ve ever struggled with depression, you’ll know first-hand how debilitating it can be. Some common depression symptoms include low mood, feelings of hopelessness, and loss of interest in life¹. Fortunately, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Depression is highly treatable², and there are many different options available to address the symptoms.

Emma Norris
Trello project management software: best uses for collaboration
Team Performance

Trello project management software: best uses for collaboration

Are you in a role where you’re juggling multiple complex projects? You’re likely looking for a way to manage all the moving parts and bring clarity to the chaos. In this scenario, Trello project management software will be your best ally. Whether you’re managing project teams of five or 50, this powerful tool will help keep everyone on the same page. But, how do you bring out the best in your team while using this technology? We’ll show you how with this comprehensive guide to Trello.

Emma Norris
Life planning: Your ultimate guide to transformation in 2024
Find Your Passion

Life planning: Your ultimate guide to transformation in 2024

Our lives unfold in mysterious ways. Sometimes, perceived setbacks turn into serendipitous moments, and rejection redirects you to a path that's better than you could have imagined.

Emma Norris
The benefits of performance coaching for career success
Team Performance

The benefits of performance coaching for career success

With the average person spending roughly 90,000 hours at work throughout their lifetime, our careers are a huge part of our daily lives1. Gone are the days when people simply worked to survive. Many of us now strive to find meaning and self-actualization through our careers — and that means being the best version of yourself at work.

Emma Norris
Diversity and inclusion: Best practices to be a trailblazer
Hiring Tips

Diversity and inclusion: Best practices to be a trailblazer

There's no denying that diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become buzzwords in today’s employment space, with companies everywhere waxing lyrical in their job descriptions about welcoming candidates of all backgrounds.

Emma Norris
Management vs. leadership skills and how to develop them
Leadership Skills

Management vs. leadership skills and how to develop them

The importance of strong organizational leadership cannot be overstated. Not only is it crucial for well-aligned workplaces, but it's the single most important factor that makes employees want to stick around.¹

Emma Norris

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