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Can online business coaching help you reach your goals?

Skill shortages, looming recessions, evolving work attitudes…. the post-pandemic business landscape is challenging, to say the least. From navigating hybrid work to attracting and retaining the right people, business leaders face more complex problems than ever before. Traditionally, if leaders needed a sounding board, they had to lean on peers, advisors, and board members. However, with the rise of virtual business coaching, impartial advice and guidance have never been more accessible.

Based on groundbreaking research linking motivation and venture success, Fingerprint for Success (F4S) is a pioneer in the online coaching space. More than 48,000 people have experienced sessions with our revolutionary AI coach, Marlee. Coaching programs require less than 20 minutes and are customized based on your unique working style. Marlee will help you set and achieve goals so you can trust your gut, execute new ideas quickly, and think strategically.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a CEO, or a people manager, a virtual coaching program such as F4S can set you up for sustainable business success.

What does an online business coach do?

An online business coach is a professional mentor who helps leaders clarify their vision and reach their organizational goals. Essentially, their role is to help bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. They can provide a space for you to work through day-to-day challenges, from team issues to growing pains. However, the role of a virtual business coach is even more profound than this. They help individuals achieve deeper insight into their desires and motivations, and create a fulfilling life and career.

The F4S online coaching model

F4S has a variety of online coaching tools. The first step in your F4S coaching journey is to take our free work style assessment. Based on cutting-edge research, results are more than 90% accurate and measure 48 different motivations. This will become the fingerprint for your personal and professional development.

Once you complete the assessment, you’ll get a comprehensive report sent to your email and dashboard. This will give a clear picture of your greatest growth opportunities. From here, you can set your goals. These may relate to developing leadership or entrepreneurial traits. Or, they may be more oriented towards your personal development, such as health and fitness goals. The choice is yours!

After you set your goals, our magic AI tool will automatically recommend the perfect sequence of coaching programs to achieve them. That’s right, you won’t get stuck figuring out the best place to start —  we’ll pick the best strategy for you!

F4S dashboard shows what motivates you at work

All of our programs are delivered via chat-based coaching. You’ll complete two 5-10 minute sessions a week. The best part is, the session times are 100% flexible, so you can fit them into your schedule no matter how busy you are.

Your sessions will be with our incredible AI coach, Marlee. Developed by expert coaches and scientists, Marlee delivers personalized coaching to suit your unique traits and goals. With a satisfaction score of over 4.2+ stars (out of 5), Marlee’s coaching is rated higher than the average real-life business coach. Each of your coaching programs will go for 4-9 weeks, and 90% of our users achieve their goals in that time.

If you're a leader, you can invite team members to take the assessment and add them to your project. With your dashboard, you’ll get a birds-eye view of the motivation styles that make up your team. And they will gain greater insight into themselves. Talk about a win-win.

Who can benefit from online coaching sessions?

Anyone who owns a business — or works for one — can benefit from virtual executive coaching. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the early stages of your career or have already climbed to the top of the corporate ladder. Everyone needs guidance, support, and a sounding board.

Here are some of the types of people we work with at F4S.

Virtual business coaching for aspiring executives

Stepping up into the C-suite requires an entirely new set of skills. F4S helps you take that exciting next step with confidence.

Virtual business coaching for entrepreneurs

Building a successful business calls for a bulletproof mindset and razor-sharp instincts. Whether you’re going at it solo or building a team, F4S will set you up for lasting success.

Virtual business coaching for enterprise business leaders

With our coaching platform, you can improve enterprise hiring outcomes, quickly design high-performing teams, and build a strong company culture.

Virtual business coaching for accelerators and VCs

Investing in early-stage startups is risky, but F4S helps you leverage data to identify entrepreneurial talent and lucrative opportunities.

Virtual business coaching for high-growth ventures

Rapidly scaling companies come with their own unique set of challenges. F4S coaching will help you navigate sustainable growth without sacrificing team culture.

Virtual business coaching for startup founders

Building a successful startup can be challenging and lonely, especially if you’re wearing all the hats. F4S can shepherd you through every stage of the process, from fundraising to hiring and scaling.

Virtual business coaching for university and research partners

Universities are hotbeds for top-tier talent. F4S equips you to identify opportunities and blind spots, so you can get the best out of students.

In the past, these individuals might have engaged a business or executive leadership coach. However, this form of one-on-one coaching can be quite expensive and time-consuming. Online business coaching programs such as F4S are significantly more flexible and accessible. This means that not only can top leaders and executives access virtual executive coaching, but entire organizations are now able to.

How can an online coaching program help me?

The biggest problem business coaches solve is helping clients navigate blind spots. Even the most experienced and self-aware leaders have their limitations.  Due to cognitive biases, it's impossible to consider all possibilities and perspectives in a given scenario. As the expression goes: "You don't know what you don't know." A successful business coach helps coachees broaden their horizons and see the bigger picture.

This is particularly important in our current climate, with executives and C-suite leaders facing more ambiguity than ever before. Some of the biggest post-COVID leadership challenges include leading remote teams, maintaining employee engagement, and adapting to new virtual technology. A DDI study of more than 100 different organizations found that 75% of respondents are investing in leadership development to address these challenges¹.

In these uncertain times, it's not surprising that the demand for coaching has skyrocketed. Britain’s Financial Times reported that the number of coaches registered with the International Coaching Federation jumped from 33,594 to 56,076 between 2019 and 2020².

But, does an investment in coaching actually pay off? The evidence suggests yes — coaching yields an impressively high ROI. A recent study surveyed 87 companies that had hired business coaches. The vast majority of respondents reported that the coaching experience had returned on the investment³. They also found that the programs met five of the six pre-defined executive coaching outcomes.

Some of the most important reasons to use coaching in organizations include:

  • Soft skill development: Research shows that investing in soft skills such as communication and problem-solving increases performance by 12% and has an ROI of 250%⁴.
  • Decision making: Coaches ask the right questions, to ensure decisions are intentional and based on well-rounded evidence.
  • Accountability: The impact of a business coach can be as simple as supporting you to implement a more effective daily routine.
The Routines of Successful People

Virtual coaching programs can provide an even stronger ROI, as they tend to be more affordable than in-person executive coaching programs. But, do they provide the same transformation? These testimonials from F4S clients speak for themselves:

Melanie Perkins, Co-founder & CEO Canva

“We’ve been using F4S since Oct 2017, and have implemented it across our entire organization in onboarding, as well as when forming new teams to help us understand our team and the dynamic between them. In our commitment to help our team grow and develop, F4S helped us to launch a successful internal coaching program. Coaching has proven to be a great way to help our leaders scale themselves, as Canva scales.”
People Analytics Software (for Building Effective Teams) | How Canva uses F4S

Dianne Gatto, Change Management Specialist & F4S coach

“Fingerprint for Success is a tool that practically sells itself. It's one of the most powerful ways of gaining insight on how to best create strong and high-performing teams."

Your path to success: Five digital coaching programs to help you achieve your professional goals

Whether you spend most of your time behind a cubicle or in the boardroom, F4S has a program for everyone. Here are five of our proven coaching programs for business success.

Goal Catcher

Inspiring others requires a strong vision of where you’re headed. This program walks you through a solid goal definition process, so you can envision and reach your destination.

Personal Power

Essential for anyone looking to level up their influence, this course redefines what ‘power’ means within organizations. You’ll learn how to confidently step into the role of a leader, and navigate ‘politics’ with grace and ease.

Big Picture Thinker

Great leaders are also visionaries. This coaching program will teach you to ‘zoom out’ and get a big picture view of any situation, without losing sight of the finer details.

Vital Wellbeing

In order to operate at your best, it’s important to feel your best. This health coaching program will give you the tools to increase your energy, vitality, and general wellbeing. It will also equip you with the resilient mindset required of a high-performer.

Trust Your Gut Feel

There’s an important place for logic and data in business, but leaders must also learn to follow their instincts. This coaching program provides you with practical strategies to tune into and hone your intuition.

Feeling unmotivated?

Find out how to unlock your motivation.

How can I find qualified coaches?

As the coaching industry has exploded in recent years, there are thousands of coaches to choose from. However, it's important to note that not all offer the same coaching experience. There are a few crucial considerations, to cultivate a strong coaching relationship. Here's what to look for:

Years of coaching experience

A successful business coach doesn’t need to have CEO experience. Nor do they need to have made seven figures in coaching. However, it is essential that your coach has at least some business experience up their sleeve. Ideally, you'll want to hire a coach who is a few steps ahead of you on your career path. This way, they will be able to draw upon their personal experience to help you work through business challenges.

Key question to ask: How many years of formal coaching experience do you have?

Coaching niche

The term 'business coach' is broad, and there are many different types of coaching. For example, a leadership coach typically works to develop the talents and skills of coachees. Meanwhile, an executive coach might focus on productivity and peak performance. There are also business coaches that work specifically with leaders in certain industries. For example, there are marketing coaches who help early-stage startups find leads and build their email lists. It's important to get a feel for their specific coaching style, to ensure it's the right fit for your needs.

Key question to ask: What is your coaching niche, or who are your ideal clients?

Past results

Having an MBA or another relevant business certification is great. But, the best way to truly assess a coach's expertise is to look at the transformations they have facilitated for past and current clients. A mix of quantitative and qualitative insights will be helpful here. Ask for data about client success rate, as well as testimonials and reviews.

Key question to ask: Can I see some case studies from past coaching clients?


The average cost of business coaching will depend on experience and coaching niche. Typically, you can expect to pay $500 to $5000 per month for traditional business coaching services⁵. However, virtual executive coaching is considerably more affordable. For example, F4S's online coaching experience is free for individuals and organizations.

Key question to ask: What coaching packages do you have available?

A successful coaching relationship begins with honesty, so don't be afraid to ask your potential coach as many questions as required.

Your action plan for F4S online business coaching

F4S uses science to help you quickly improve team trust, soft skills, wellbeing, and performance. It’s the secret weapon the world’s top companies use to attract and retain all-star team members, even throughout the Great Resignation.

F4S has personalized coaching options available for both individuals and teams. Here's how it works:

1. Take our free assessment, which measures individual work styles and motivation.

2. Dive into your report to understand what drives you, and identify opportunities for self-growth.

3. Set the key goals you would like to work on — whether that’s in your work, life, relationships, or health.

4.Our new F4S insight cards use AI to identify the best coaching programs to reach your goal.

5. Supercharge your goal progress with flexible, 15-minute coaching sessions with our AI coach, Marlee.

If you're looking to use F4S with your team or wider organization, you can set up a project team after you complete the assessment. Invite each team member using their work email address, and they will receive a link to complete their assessment.

Once they take the assessment, they will be able to see their individual results, set goals, and start their coaching program. In the F4S dashboard, you'll be able to see the following tools to compare team members’ motivation and communication preferences.


Understand what drives each individual member of your team.

F4S team motivations show your team preferences in order of importance

Team culture:

Get a snapshot of the overall feel of the team.

employees that are tolerant can help with employee engagement activities


Reveal the common ground in your team, such as shared motivation.

F4S shows your team affinities like collaboration


Reveal potential sources of friction within your team. Then find solutions to support one another’s differences. Often they can become strengths once identified.

f4s shows team differences


Understand where your team stands on important soft skills and identify opportunities for improvement.

F4S benchmarking tool

Companies who use these powerful insights for team hiring and development see 725% return on investment in the first year. They also see a 62% reduction in turnover, and require 90% fewer interviews to hire the right candidate.

Still need a more personalized coaching program? We’ve got you covered. We have both AI and human coaching available on our Enterprise plans, in addition to other premium features. Book a free demo with one of our experienced coaches.

Frequently asked questions

When to hire a business coach?

The best time to engage the services of a coaching business is when you have a problem to solve! This applies to almost anyone, whether it's their first day in business, or 1000th.

Why do you need a business coach?

Whether it's virtual executive coaching or in-person sessions, the benefits of a business coach are endless. A successful coach will help you build key skills, make better decisions and motivate you to reach your biggest goals.

Who needs a business coach?

Anyone can benefit from hiring a business coach. However, it's absolutely essential for executives, C-suite leaders and anyone making high level organizational decisions.

Ready to experience our game-changing virtual coaching platform for yourself? Start your free work style assessment to kickstart your online coaching journey.



1. Neal, S (2022). 'Top Seven Leadership Development Challenges Post-COVID.' Available at: https://www.ddiworld.com/blog/top-leadership-development-challenges

2.  Jacobs, E (2022). 'Why An Executive Coach Is Now A Must-Have For CEOs.' Available at: https://www.ft.com/content/5f734f71-5e84-4771-b267-589359b812c7

3. Wigiton, J et. al (2020). 'Evidence On The Impacts Of Business Coaching.' Available at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JMD-09-2018-0266/full/html

4. Adhvaryu, A et. al (2017). 'Soft Skills Training Boosts Productivity.' Available at: https://michiganross.umich.edu/rtia-articles/soft-skills-training-boosts-productivity

5. Lewis, J. (2022). 'How Much Does A Business Coach Cost?' Available at: https://www.zellalife.com/blog/how-much-does-a-business-coach-cost/

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