Unlocking Gen Z at Work: A Generational Impact Study 2024

Entrepreneur Skills

The importance of entrepreneur skills is often overlooked, but we've studied this area for over 20+ years. In this collection of expert guides and coaching programs we dive into the traits of an entrepreneur, advice from famous entrepreneurs, critical business management skills and more, so you can become a successful entrepreneur.

The founder should be the best salesperson in the company. Here's why.
Become an Entrepreneur

The founder should be the best salesperson in the company. Here's why.

If you want a successful startup, then you’re going to need a hot sales strategy for your product or service, and a great team to do the legwork, at least initially.

Catie McHugh
Common denominators of the most successful CEOs
Become an Entrepreneur

Common denominators of the most successful CEOs

Warren Buffett pioneered Berkshire Hathaway. Jeff Bezos changed our shopping experience with Amazon. Steve Jobs revolutionized technology with Apple.

Rachel O'Regan
The 3 critical things to outsource when you're starting up
Business Skills

The 3 critical things to outsource when you're starting up

You might naturally think successful entrepreneurs need to spread their time and energy out across all facets of their business.

Jo Foster
Ready to wrap up? Here's how to develop a startup exit plan
Secure Funding

Ready to wrap up? Here's how to develop a startup exit plan

It’s a situation every successful entrepreneur will find themselves in someday…

Jo Foster
Your crash course to starting your own business.
Business Skills

Your crash course to starting your own business.

Running your own biz – it’s the dream, right? Even the latest World Happiness Report ranked those who run their own show as some of the happiest and most fulfilled. If you’ve got a viable idea and know how it will bring home the bacon (or just ‘make money’), that’s definitely a starting point. However to really make sure you nail your business dreams, we’ve rounded up a few startup pearls for you. Take our crash course to check if you’re really all ready to go.

Jo Foster
Three Wonder Woman attitudes that will help you succeed as an entrepreneur
Become an Entrepreneur

Three Wonder Woman attitudes that will help you succeed as an entrepreneur

Just in case you’ve been a castaway on a deserted island for the past few months, we’ll let you know that Wonder Woman hit cinemas, and it was kind of a big deal.

Catie McHugh
Why do some successfully crowdfunded projects still fail?
Secure Funding

Why do some successfully crowdfunded projects still fail?

Crowdfunding continues to be a super-popular method for inventors, entrepreneurs and creative artists to get their projects out into the world. Essentially, you can place your concept on platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, where they can gain traction from ‘backers’ (i.e. regular people) who like the cut of your jib, and will provide funding to help you realise your project. Typically, the reward for funding is the product itself.

Catie McHugh
Startup success: How to predict it and avoid failure

Startup success: How to predict it and avoid failure

Entrepreneurs are some of the most driven people on the planet, but they all started from the same point: with a passion for their product and no idea if their big idea would be a huge win or lead them straight back to the drawing board.

Kat Boogaard
Kidpreneurs': Raising the next generation of rock star entrepreneurs
Become an Entrepreneur

Kidpreneurs': Raising the next generation of rock star entrepreneurs

The way we work is changing, and millennials are leading the charge on starting new businesses. But what about the next generation of entrepreneurs? Heck, with people like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg perceived as the contemporary, ‘hip’ face of business innovation, maybe entrepreneurship will be the new ‘stage school’! (Will there ever be such a thing an an ‘entrepreneur mom’, complete with a reality show? Time will tell.)

Jo Foster
62 entrepreneur resources to accelerate your success
Become an Entrepreneur

62 entrepreneur resources to accelerate your success

The essential resources of entrepreneurship are the tools business owners need to operate efficiently and achieve business growth fast. Educational resources can help you learn from other's experiences.

Masooma Memon
4 ways to combat entrepreneurial loneliness
Business Skills

4 ways to combat entrepreneurial loneliness

When you start a new venture, it's a frantic and ever-changing journey of launches, stretch goals and (hopefully!) rapid growth, all of which require you to be the driving force for success.

Catie McHugh
15 quotes that really reflect startup life

15 quotes that really reflect startup life

It's true - startup life is pretty crazy! Each day is different, with more twists and turns than an Agatha Christie novel. We've dug around for fifteen quotes that really resonated with us on this wildly wonderful journey. Enjoy!

Catie McHugh
The World Happiness Report: The places where entrepreneurship is the key to glee

The World Happiness Report: The places where entrepreneurship is the key to glee

The World Happiness Report is a unique global study, analysing six key factors that contribute to the happiness of a country’s citizens, including how people evaluate the quality of their working life.

Catie McHugh

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