Unlocking Gen Z at Work: A Generational Impact Study 2024

Become an Entrepreneur

Discover how to become an entrepreneur with this collection of expert guides, interviews, quotes and coaching programs.

Online business coaching software to grow your practice
Become an Entrepreneur

Online business coaching software to grow your practice

The ever-impending financial downturn, changing work attitudes, The Great Resignation... such unparalleled challenges mean company leaders need more support than ever. Armed with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, business coaches are perfectly positioned to provide this guidance. And, with the demand for coaching compounding by 6.7% every year, there's never been a better time to be an online business coach¹.

Emma Norris
6 inspiring quotes for entrepreneurial success
Become an Entrepreneur

6 inspiring quotes for entrepreneurial success

While being an entrepreneur can be an amazing, incredibly rewarding experience, nobody said it was going to be easy.

Jo Foster
Do you have the skills needed to be an entrepreneur?
Become an Entrepreneur

Do you have the skills needed to be an entrepreneur?

An increasing number of people want to take the leap into entrepreneurship, head first.

Masooma Memon
3 ways being an entrepreneur can make you a better person
Become an Entrepreneur

3 ways being an entrepreneur can make you a better person

Self-improvement may not always be the most obvious goal, but perhaps it should be. In our Fingerprint for Success (F4S) research, the attitudes of the most successful entrepreneurs also tend to make you a pretty well-rounded human being. Here’s how.

Rachel O'Regan
Want venture success? Tear up your business plan
Become an Entrepreneur

Want venture success? Tear up your business plan

Throughout school, university and even in most careers, one underlying message carries through: If you want to be a success, cross your i’s, dot your t’s, keep your inbox at zero and definitively plan everything months in advance. Either you prioritize detail and structure or your business is destined to fail.

Shell Higgs
What if venture success is simply about changing your attitudes?
Become an Entrepreneur

What if venture success is simply about changing your attitudes?

Sure, hard work, a good product and financial investment are essential to creating a thriving business. But what about less obvious factors, such as founder attitudes and motivations? How do they impact venture success—and failure? What role do the individual interests of entrepreneurs play in predicting business outcomes like investment, longevity, and profitability?

Vivienne Egan
The founder should be the best salesperson in the company. Here's why.
Become an Entrepreneur

The founder should be the best salesperson in the company. Here's why.

If you want a successful startup, then you’re going to need a hot sales strategy for your product or service, and a great team to do the legwork, at least initially.

Catie McHugh
Are women less likely than men to become entrepreneurs?
Become an Entrepreneur

Are women less likely than men to become entrepreneurs?

Whew, let’s just come right out of the gate with a big question. But, it is an important one to consider and dissect - are women really less likely to take on the world of entrepreneurship, and why?

Catie McHugh
5 professions that produce great entrepreneurs
Become an Entrepreneur

5 professions that produce great entrepreneurs

Unless you founded a lucrative chain of lemonade stands at the age of five, chances are, you’ve had jobs in your life other than “entrepreneur”. Lucky for you, there are relevant skills and lessons to take from every position, no matter how small.

Anna Hume
Common denominators of the most successful CEOs
Become an Entrepreneur

Common denominators of the most successful CEOs

Warren Buffett pioneered Berkshire Hathaway. Jeff Bezos changed our shopping experience with Amazon. Steve Jobs revolutionized technology with Apple.

Rachel O'Regan
Three Wonder Woman attitudes that will help you succeed as an entrepreneur
Become an Entrepreneur

Three Wonder Woman attitudes that will help you succeed as an entrepreneur

Just in case you’ve been a castaway on a deserted island for the past few months, we’ll let you know that Wonder Woman hit cinemas, and it was kind of a big deal.

Catie McHugh
Kidpreneurs': Raising the next generation of rock star entrepreneurs
Become an Entrepreneur

Kidpreneurs': Raising the next generation of rock star entrepreneurs

The way we work is changing, and millennials are leading the charge on starting new businesses. But what about the next generation of entrepreneurs? Heck, with people like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg perceived as the contemporary, ‘hip’ face of business innovation, maybe entrepreneurship will be the new ‘stage school’! (Will there ever be such a thing an an ‘entrepreneur mom’, complete with a reality show? Time will tell.)

Jo Foster
62 entrepreneur resources to accelerate your success
Become an Entrepreneur

62 entrepreneur resources to accelerate your success

The essential resources of entrepreneurship are the tools business owners need to operate efficiently and achieve business growth fast. Educational resources can help you learn from other's experiences.

Masooma Memon

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