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Mental Health

What exactly is mental health? It impacts our psychological, social and emotional wellbeing and plays out in how we relate to others and manage stress.

We've created a collection of expert guides and coaching programs to help you improve your mental health quickly.

Signs you have high functioning anxiety (and how to beat it)
Mental Health

Signs you have high functioning anxiety (and how to beat it)

Do you often find yourself going through paperwork at 6 pm, long after everyone’s left the office? Do you feel like everything you do needs to be perfect in every way possible? Is it all slowly draining up your energy, but you still feel like there’s no other way to get through life?

Letting go of perfectionism and the harm it inflicts
Mental Health

Letting go of perfectionism and the harm it inflicts

Perfectionism is often seen as an admirable trait, but for anyone who lives with it, you know it can be crippling, preventing you from enjoying what you do or pursuing what you want.

Amy Rigby
How to build self esteem: 8 tips to think more positively about yourself
Mental Health

How to build self esteem: 8 tips to think more positively about yourself

Knowing how to build self esteem is the key to positive mental health and well-being.

Kat Boogaard
Toxic positivity: Why “good vibes only” is destroying mental health
Mental Health

Toxic positivity: Why “good vibes only” is destroying mental health

Toxic positivity encourages emotional suppression, which is linked to poor health outcomes.

Amy Rigby
How to Deal with Stress at Work: What’s Normal and What Isn’t
Mental Health

How to Deal with Stress at Work: What’s Normal and What Isn’t

If you're wondering how to deal with stress at work, you're not alone. It’s no secret that our jobs are stressing us out.

Kat Boogaard
Signs of good mental health and how maintain it for life
Mental Health

Signs of good mental health and how maintain it for life

You can have all the success in the world - whether that's through money, fame, or achievement - but still be unsatisfied. Your internal state dictates your perceptions of reality and experiences of each day. When your emotional health is hindered, external affairs can feel meaningless.

Michael Metcalf
The 3 types of stress affecting everyone in 2021 (with 9 tips on how to cope)
Mental Health

The 3 types of stress affecting everyone in 2021 (with 9 tips on how to cope)

In 2021, Americans are stressed more than ever, reporting higher stress levels than in the early days of the pandemic.

Amy Rigby
How to deal with social anxiety: 8 coaches and therapists sound off
Mental Health

How to deal with social anxiety: 8 coaches and therapists sound off

You want to meet new people, but you dread walking into a room full of strangers. You want to connect with your friends, but your hands get clammy when you think of picking up the phone to call them. You want people to get to know you, but your heart pounds as you think of all the ways they may be silently judging you.

Amy Rigby
How to deal with loneliness: 11 key coping strategies
Mental Health

How to deal with loneliness: 11 key coping strategies

When approaching how to deal with loneliness, we need to start with a definition of being lonely. While there’s no universally agreed definition, Wikipedia is a good start:

Ted Bauer
How to develop grit (and the 1 critical ingredient that makes it work)
Mental Health

How to develop grit (and the 1 critical ingredient that makes it work)

If you’ve dabbled in researching the word “grit” in the past decade or so, you’ve likely stumbled across Angela Duckworth’s book of the same name. Duckworth is the founder and CEO of Character Lab, a nonprofit whose mission is to advance scientific insights that help children thrive. She is also the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, faculty co-director of the Penn-Wharton Behavior Change for Good Initiative, and faculty co-director of Wharton People Analytics. In short: she’s very accomplished, and knows a lot about grit.

Ted Bauer
New job anxiety: How to cope in 9 easy steps
Mental Health

New job anxiety: How to cope in 9 easy steps

Let’s start with a quick story. It’s not directly about new job anxiety, but don’t worry, we will get there quickly.

Ted Bauer
Post traumatic growth: What it is and why it’s so important in 2024
Mental Health

Post traumatic growth: What it is and why it’s so important in 2024

Globally we're living through distressing times, making the idea of post traumatic growth seem unlikely for many. But as challenging as it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel when we're facing adversity, humankind is a resilient species.  

Bev Campling
Why perfectionism is destroying your success (and health)
Mental Health

Why perfectionism is destroying your success (and health)

It’s pretty natural for aspiring entrepreneurs to want, (heck, expect!) everything to be perfect when running a successful start-up.

Jo Foster

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