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Company Culture

What is company culture and what are the traits of a strong company culture?

In this collection of expert guides, tools, and coaching programs, we'll help you understand and measure your own company culture and arm you with strategies to improve any blind spots.

What is the human relations theory (and why should you care)?
Company Culture

What is the human relations theory (and why should you care)?

Imagine that you're an employee of Company A.

Kat Boogaard
What is a ‘low power distance’ company, and should you create one?
Company Culture

What is a ‘low power distance’ company, and should you create one?

Power. It’s something we crave, fear, accept, and resent in equal measure.

Michael Metcalf
Maternity leave policy: Why it's time for a new one
Company Culture

Maternity leave policy: Why it's time for a new one

The world may have been put on pause recently, but the human instinct to multiply has not. Babies are still being born despite global uncertainty, and it’s something all businesses need to make provisions for. 

Michael Metcalf
The 5 pillars of company culture that fuel growth at Hotjar
Company Culture

The 5 pillars of company culture that fuel growth at Hotjar

Most leaders would say company culture is one of the most important attributes of a thriving business. 

Bev Campling
22 exit interview questions to get the most helpful feedback
Company Culture

22 exit interview questions to get the most helpful feedback

It was the news you didn’t want to hear: One of your employees is leaving. 

Kat Boogaard
Core culture: the engine that powers iconic companies
Company Culture

Core culture: the engine that powers iconic companies

What does your company really believe?

Michael Metcalf
4 signs you're overdue for a culture transformation
Company Culture

4 signs you're overdue for a culture transformation

Grumpy colleagues, projects getting derailed, lack of communication across teams and departments… we've all been there, right?

Catie McHugh
The complex, but important, picture around dignity at work
Company Culture

The complex, but important, picture around dignity at work

Dignity at work is emerging as a huge issue

Ted Bauer
High turnover rate: how it destroys teams (and what to do about it)
Company Culture

High turnover rate: how it destroys teams (and what to do about it)

A high turnover rate is devastating for companies and their teams.

Amy Rigby
How does culture affect communication?
Company Culture

How does culture affect communication?

How does culture affect communication?

DJ Pangburn
6 real-life examples proving psychological safety is crucial
Team Performance

6 real-life examples proving psychological safety is crucial

If you’re reading this, you may have noticed that finding concrete, real examples of psychological safety is hard.

Amy Rigby
Is your parental leave policy good enough?
Company Culture

Is your parental leave policy good enough?

The perfect parental leave policy of the future is still unwritten

Bev Campling

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