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How does F4S compare to the classical enneagram test?

If you're like the millions of people who've undertaken self-development, you’re no doubt aware of the many personality tests available. One of the most popular is the Enneagram test, which divides personalities into nine basic types.

Numerous people, groups, and organizations have crafted their own versions of the Enneagram test over the years based on ancient Enneagram philosophy. You can take everything from free, quick quizzes to detailed, scientifically validated questionnaires.

This is why there’s not necessarily a classical Enneagram test that’s considered the industry standard. But if you’re looking to use the Enneagram test in a workplace context or to assess your professional self, there are several in-depth options that may provide the insight you need.

Here, we dive into exactly what the Enneagram test is, how it compares to Fingerprint for Success (F4S), and how each has the potential to support you, your work, and your organization.

What is the Enneagram personality test?

The Enneagram test is a personality assessment that helps you figure out aspects of your character. It's designed to improve your sense of perception about your personality.

The test breaks down results into nine fundamental personality types, although it’s not uncommon to see parts of yourself across many or all of them. That being said, most people find they have one dominant type.

The test is based on the Enneagram of Personality, a framework for the human psyche whose origins aren’t totally clear. Some argue it’s rooted in ancient mathematics, while others say it comes from different religions and traditions. 12 But, many regard Bolivian-born Oscar Ichazo as the father of the contemporary Enneagram of Personality. He’s known for popularizing it and teaching others about its fundamentals throughout the 1960s.2

Today, people use the Enneagram test for personal, professional, and spiritual development. Many are drawn to it because it's an easy-to-understand self-knowledge guide. By understanding your basic personality type, you can get a clearer insight into your personality traits, emotions, thinking patterns, behaviors, strengths, areas for growth, relationships, goals, and even your core fears and core desires – all of which are crucial in daily life and the workplace. 

What is Fingerprint for Success?

Fingerprint for Success (F4S) is a professional and personal development platform to help you understand and bring out the best in yourself and others at work and in life.

F4S uses an accurate people analytics tool. The software helps you understand your and your team’s top motivations and blind spots.

The platform helps you uncover and develop particular areas of improvement. It relies on 20+ years of motivation research and the support of both human and AI-powered coaches.

Over the past 20 years, founder Michelle Duval has studied the human skills of the world’s top-performing individuals and teams. From her studies, Duval consistently found that attitude and motivation are the X-factors that drive wellness, fulfilment, and peak performance in the workplace. As a result, Duval founded F4S in 2016 to make people analytics and personalized coaching accessible and affordable for everyone.

Since then, F4S has helped organizations in 190+ countries to improve teaming, wellbeing, professional growth, and leadership development.

When you kick off your F4S experience, you’ll undertake an evidence-based assessment. Similar to the Enneagram test, this assessment is taken online to help you understand your motivations.

You’ll then receive a report outlining your distinctive “fingerprint” across 48 core motivation categories. These affect aspects of your professional life, such as communication, how you work, and your leadership style.

F4S’ goal to make coaching available to everyone underpins everything the company does. This is why the comprehensive motivation assessment, as well as F4S’ AI-powered coach, Marlee, are free of charge.

Enneagram test features

How long is the Enneagram test?

Online assessment: Like the IQ or Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test, you can take the Enneagram test online via different websites. Depending on the platform you choose and how comprehensive the test is, it can take anywhere from five minutes to over one hour to complete.

The test comprises a series of questions. Classical Enneagram tests that are more in-depth tend to have upwards of 100 questions, meaning you might take about an hour or so to finish. These questions ask you to rate pairs of character traits and statements based on how well they relate to your personality.

Is the Enneagram personality test accurate? 

Scientifically validated: The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI® version 2.5), comes from The Enneagram Institute. It’s a popular option for Enneagram testing and has been independently scientifically validated.3 This means the assessment evaluates what it’s supposed to and that it produces reliable results. 

According to dissertation consulting service Statistics Solutions, the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator ranges from 56-82% accuracy. But, it boasts an overall accuracy score of 72%.3 Personality Path claims its Enneagram test is 85-90% accurate. According to them, this result comes from research by “top experts in the field who have used and pioneered the Enneagram for decades”.4

But is the Enneagram test truly a reliable self-discovery guide?

One of its main criticisms – even the classical Enneagram test that's typically more detailed – is that it lacks rigorous scientific research on its implementation. The issue is that the Enneagram test is largely based on "the realm of assimilated wisdom and personal experiences" and hasn't been empirically researched on its efficacy, validity, and impact.5 This is especially true given the wide range of tests available. In fact, some experts have gone as far as calling the Enneagram test "pseudoscience".6

What will my Enneagram personality test results look like?

Personal insights: Once you’ve taken the test, you’ll find out your basic personality type. According to the Enneagram Institute, the nine personality types, including a range of potentials both positive and negative, are:

  • Type 1: The Reformer (the idealistic type with the potential for moderation)
  • Type 2: The Helper (the interpersonal type with the potential for intrusiveness)
  • Type 3: The Achiever (the success-oriented type with the potential for ambition)
  • Type 4: The Individualist (the sensitive type with the potential for intuition)
  • Type 5: The Investigator (the intellectual type with the potential for curiosity)
  • Type 6: The Loyalist (the committed, security-oriented type with the potential for dependency)
  • Type 7: The Enthusiast (the busy, fun-loving type with, true to its name, the potential for enthusiasm but also the potential for hyperactivity)
  • Type 8: The Challenger (the commanding type with the potential for domination)
  • Type 9: The Peacemaker (the self-effacing type with the potential for passivity)

You'll find more detailed personality type descriptions on different Enneagram websites.

How can I access my Enneagram personality test results?

You can usually see your basic personality type straight after you take the test. The website will give you an overview of your personality type, which you can view online.

With free Enneagram tests, your responses and results may only be viewable immediately afterward before expiring. If you opt for a more complete guide to your personality, you'll likely need to provide your email address. Your report will then appear in your inbox so you can refer to it as often as you need. However, like other email sign-ups, handing over your details may mean subscribing to newsletters and other updates.

Coaching and education: Some organizations use the Enneagram test as a springboard for personalized coaching. These coaching programs are typically based on your basic personality type. A few also offer courses, professional development programs, and other business solutions drawn from test results. 

You can often access coaching virtually, as many Enneagram coaches deliver sessions via video conferencing software. There are numerous Enneagram coaches around the world, which you can find by searching for Enneagram coaching near you. Alternatively, directories such as Your Enneagram Coach list a wide range of qualified coaches.

Can I invite my employees or team to take the Enneagram personality test?

Absolutely. Many workplaces and recruiters use the classical Enneagram test to better understand their employees and candidates. The test may help with collaboration and healthy relationships between colleagues and teams, leadership, workplace challenges, and more.

The free Enneagram tests available online may be ideal if you're after a fun exercise between colleagues. But if you're looking for Enneagram tests that are more detailed and relevant to the workplace, some organizations offer professional Enneagram workshops. These often include in-depth testing and analysis of results within teams to foster better teamwork.

Fingerprint for Success features

How long is the F4S assessment?

The F4S assessment contains 40 questions and takes between 15-30 minutes to complete. Each question asks you to rank a number of statements based on how they relate to you in the workplace. The platform saves your progress as you go.

F4S dashboard shows what motivates you at work

F4S dashboard

Is the F4S assessment accurate?

Duval established F4S following 15 years of qualitative research and her own formal study in 2013 involving the Inventory of Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM) methodology. The study looked at attitudes and motivations of people in an entrepreneurial context and has contributed original findings to multiple business fields.

To that end, F4S’ motivation assessment builds on more than 20 years of dedicated research and is backed by significant data. The assessment boasts up to 98% reliability.

20-year Study Shows How to Build Successful Teams

What will the F4S assessment report look like?

The F4S assessment looks at 48 different motivational traits and how they impact you personally and professionally. Then, it delivers a report of your unique motivational “fingerprint”.

Your report lets you discover your assets and areas for growth. It also helps steer your coaching objectives. You’re able to take the assessment time and time again to gauge your development. Plus, the assessment is entirely free.

F4S assessment report shows your workplace motivations

Data-based people analytics: Along with information on your motivations, you’ll get meaningful, data-based insights into how you operate in a team. This allows you to work out points of similarity and difference with your teammates, and how to work together in light of these.

F4S shows how your team works together vs classical enneagram

How can I access my F4S assessment results?

Before taking the assessment, you'll need to sign up for a free F4S account. Then it's simply a matter of diving into the assessment and answering the questions.

Dashboard access: Once you've finished, you'll receive immediate insights into your motivations, which you can view through your dashboard. Your personal F4S dashboard lets you track your progress and keep notes on your coaching experience, allowing you to reflect on your journey.

F4S dashboard shows your workplace motivations

You can come back to your results time and time again by logging into your account. Plus, you can view them on both web and mobile, making F4S a readily accessible platform.

AI-powered coaching (for free!): F4S aims to make coaching available to everyone. So, AI-powered coach, Marlee, delivers personalized online coaching for free. These programs can improve self-esteem, boost emotional intelligence, and help you achieve your goals. And, you can undertake them at a pace that suits you.

F4S tracks your goals land how much time you spend with coach Marlee to celebrate your success

Human coaching: Whether you’re an individual or a group, you can also book a human coach who takes your coaching journey even further.

Can I invite my employees or team to take the F4S assessment?

You certainly can! Your personal F4S dashboard also has a 'Teams' tab, where you can view interesting insights into the rest of your team.

Overall, you'll get a keen sense of how your team works. You can see your team's unique motivational footprint, points of similarity and shared noticeable traits between team members, any differences that may pose challenges, and an overview of your team's culture

You can either toggle between different teams or create one from scratch.

F4S team dashboard shows and ranks team motivations

F4S team dashboard

Benchmarking: Your dashboard lets you measure your results against the working population from 14 different cultures. You can also compare results with your teammates and successful business figures.

Talent search: If you’re in charge of hiring decisions, you can take advantage of F4S’ insights to find the very best talent. F4S has a helpful tool that ranks talent based on proven success factors. These allow you to assess candidates through different “lenses”. For example, if you need to scale a start-up, you can look for a Business Builder. Or, if you’re hiring for a high-growth business, you can search for Entrepreneurs. We’ve got plenty more lenses in the pipeline!

Culture map: Part of a global organization? The F4S culture map assesses the unique cultures of teams and offices around the world. You can then better navigate these differences to enhance cross-cultural bonding and achieve global goals.

Coaching marketplace (launching soon!): The F4S coaching marketplace will match users with the right human coach based on their results. F4S has achieved great success with mentor-matching programs – including one delivered to software giant SAP. The new marketplace will build on this proven model and harness the power of AI to ensure a successful match.

Feeling unmotivated?

Find out how to unlock your motivation.

Is the Enneagram personality test free?

If you’re keen to take the Enneagram test, you can choose between free and paid options. Some websites offer a quick Enneagram test at no cost, while others – usually the more thorough, classical Enneagram tests – incur a charge. This can range from US$10 to more than US$60.

While being free is obviously a desirable quality of the basic test, these options tend to deliver simple results. You might only learn your basic personality type with a brief overview, or receive a sample report. But, you can often unlock a more complex guide to your personality for a fee.

If you’ve paid for an in-depth report, you’ll need to input your email address to receive a comprehensive overview of your personality. This will explain your basic personality type in more detail. It may also look at your strengths, opportunities for development, recognizable patterns of behavior, and more.

Is Fingerprint for Success free?

The F4S model makes coaching available to everyone. This means, for individuals, the F4S experience is available for free. These include the comprehensive evidence-based assessment, as well as the AI-powered coaching programs.

Small teams of up to five people can also use every single teaming feature for no charge. After that, organizations larger than five people pay only US$9.60 per user to access these features.

If you’re interested in human coaching or more in-depth, tailored enterprise packages, you can schedule a F4S demo.

Enneagram test reviews

Because there are several websites where you can take the Enneagram test, reviews differ between platforms. But here’s what people have to say about some of the most popular classical Enneagram tests.

  • "We both felt the Enneagram as represented by The Enneagram Institute was a more efficacious measure of personality traits than any other, including the DiSC and Myers-Briggs."
  • “It is almost scary at how accurate this report is. I manage a fairly large medical practice and decided to take this test at the suggestion of a seminar I attended. It has been very eye opening and I plan to have my employees take this as well. It will be a great way to recognize the strengths of others and create teams that will work together on future projects. Thank you for this resource!” (Truity Enneagram test)
  • "Honestly, this was painfully accurate.” (Personality Path Enneagram test)

Fingerprint for Success reviews

There are many reviews of F4S' coaching programs, business solutions, and professional development tools. Here are some of the top ones:

People Analytics

“I have personally gotten a lot from F4S. It has really helped me understand the way I work, as well as my blind spots. It helps me work better with others, as I now understand their key drivers and strengths.”
"F4S is an indispensable tool for any agile company's arsenal. With the revolutionary and easy to understand insights it gives, a person can see at-a-glance their own behaviors and motivations, and measure themselves against others in their own team, other companies, and successful entrepreneurs. It is my most highly utilized and recommended business management tool."

AI-powered coaching

"Marlee was simply amazing. Really helped me to reflect on my decision making style in a new light and boosted my confidence. 200% recommend!”
"My mindset towards goals has really shifted. I tried to look for goals for most of my life and I just didn't have a lot. And now I've got a whole vision board over here!"
"Marlee's questions are very thought provoking and really served as a sounding board for me. It's an amazing experience."
"Coaching with Marlee helped me build deeper levels of self-esteem and how I value myself vis-a-vis the greater world. It also taught me courage to believe in my beliefs, and that it is not about success or failure, but that we give it a go, a try."
“I really struggled with the idea and concept of my own power and it was getting in the way of my work, my relationships and my happiness. This program with Marlee has helped me understand why, develop a deeper relationship with my own power and as a result, I'm feeling more confident and competent as ever!”

What's the ROI of coaching?

Tossing up between taking an Enneagram test for professional development or engaging in F4S’ motivational assessment and coaching? You’re likely curious about the ROI. Here are some statistics on each one:

  • After one year, organizations that engage F4S see an ROI of 752%.
  • More than 90% of F4S users achieve their goals by the end of their first coaching program.
  • One study found that team effectiveness increased following Enneagram training.5
  • Another study discovered that participants who attended an introductory Enneagram workshop at their workplace increased their appreciation for diversity, self-confidence, and enhanced communication skills.5

Enneagram test coaching jobs

Many Enneagram tests are quick online assessments. But, some businesses take the test further by offering coaching and courses for individuals, teams, and organizations. Coaching relies on the results of a user’s Enneagram test. It utilizes the findings to deliver a personalized development program.

If you’re interested in becoming an Enneagram coach, you can find Enneagram coach training through several providers. Many have accreditation from the International Enneagram Association (IEA), meaning they meet certain training standards.  

Training varies in price, with affordable options starting at US$500 and more expensive ones costing up to US$7000.

Once you’ve completed your training, you can start attracting clients by advertising your services or becoming accredited via the IEA. The IEA website will then list you as an affiliate Enneagram coach.

F4S coaching jobs

Like the thought of working with individuals, teams, and companies across the globe to enhance their success? You could consider a coaching job with F4S.

F4S regularly welcomes new online coaches who are keen to learn and use the F4S coaching method. F4S is always on the hunt for coaches with experience in methodologies such as meta-coaching and the International Coaching Federation, among many others. But if you’ve got a background in wellness – such as nutrition, life coaching, or personal training – you can easily transfer your skills.

The benefits of working with F4S are many. These include competitive pay, a stipend dedicated to learning and development, and flexible PTO.

Ready to get going? Find out how to become an F4S coach or join the global community working towards a new era of personal development.

Bottom line: Enneagram test vs Fingerprint For Success

Wondering which option is best suited to your personal and career goals? The Enneagram personality test and F4S have some similarities. But there are also a few marked differences between the two.

Both the Enneagram test and the F4S motivational assessment offer insight into your personality, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Both are also accessible online and you can take them for free.

But, the free Enneagram results are often very basic. To get more in-depth findings about your personality, you’ll likely need to pay for an in-depth classical Enneagram test or a detailed Enneagram report. Plus, the test itself is currently lacking scientific rigor. On the other hand, F4S provides a free evidence-based assessment that details your unique “fingerprint”.

Another similarity between the two is the option for coaching based on your results. With Enneagram coaching, you have to pay for these services, whereas F4S offers access to free AI-powered coaching.

All in all, both can be useful for personal and professional development, and to get an accurate sense of your basic personality type and motivations. But if you want a detailed, evidence-based assessment backed by 20+ years of research, plus the option for free and paid coaching, F4S is a pretty amazing tool.

At F4S, we’re curious about understanding the correlations between each Enneagram type and the cognitive biases that play out at work. So we’re calling for all Enneagram enthusiasts to participate in our Enneagram research study.

Help uncover the unique talents of the Enneagram types at work!


1. 'Enneagram History & Origins'. Available at: Integrative9 Enneagram Solutions https://www.integrative9.com/enneagram/history/

2. Falde, N. 2022 'Is the Enneagram Faith-Based? Here’s the Complicated Answer'. Available at: Truity


3. Lani, J. 2011 'The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI)'. Available at: Statistics Solutions https://www.statisticssolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/kalins-pdf/singles/the-riso-hudson-enneagram-type-indicator-rheti.pdf

4. 'Free Enneagram personality test: How accurate is your Enneagram test?'. Available at: Personality Path https://personalitypath.com/free-enneagram-personality-test/

5. Daniels, D., Saracino, T., Fraley, M., Christian, J. & Pardo, S. 2018 'Advancing Ego Development in Adulthood Through Study of the Enneagram System of Personality'. Available at: National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6208876/#CR73

6. Sloat, S. 2020 'Why one popular personality test is "pseudoscientific at best"'. Available at: Inverse https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/enneagram-personality-test-experts-explain

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