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Leadership Development

Leadership development is important for new and experienced leaders. But what are some skills, methods and examples of this in real life? We've created a collection of leadership development courses, expert guides and coaching programs to help you become a better leader.

How to write powerful professional development goals: 4 Steps
Leadership Skills

How to write powerful professional development goals: 4 Steps

Ready to supercharge your career? Discover how to write professional development goals that drive success. We'll guide you through the process, share inspiring examples, and reveal strategies to achieve your ambitions. Your journey to career excellence starts here.

William Haigen
12 quick team-building activities you can do in 5-10 minutes
General Leadership

12 quick team-building activities you can do in 5-10 minutes

The top priority for most companies is satisfying customers, as it tends to generate more sales, higher revenue, and customer loyalty.

Jessica Orika
The ultimate talent acquisition strategy: Our 9-step process
General Leadership

The ultimate talent acquisition strategy: Our 9-step process

52% of recruiters say the hardest part of their job is identifying the right candidates from a large pool.1

Jessica Orika
Solving the team motivation puzzle: 9 ways to motivate teams
Leadership Skills

Solving the team motivation puzzle: 9 ways to motivate teams

With economic pressure continuing to effect organizations across the globe, redundancies are looming, and teams are overwhelmed. Savvy managers are looking for ways to motivate their teams, but with a widening generational gap in the workplace, it's becoming more challenging. The issue being, that "motivation" is relative to the individual, and so there is no one winning strategy for "team motivation". This is where smart companies are looking beyond generalized tips and tricks, and seeking  evidence-based solutions for team motivation.In this article, we'll be sharing smart solutions for team motivation, and how data-driven approaches can make all the difference.

William Haigen
10 Inspiring professional development goals examples
Leadership Skills

10 Inspiring professional development goals examples

Ever been asked about your professional development goals?

William Haigen
Zoom integrations: improve virtual collaboration with F4S
General Leadership

Zoom integrations: improve virtual collaboration with F4S

The pandemic permanently altered the way we work. Remote and hybrid work is now mainstream. Zoom meetings are the norm. And Zoom fatigue is a thing.

Olly Adeyemi
Google Integrations: convince and collaborate better with Fingerprint for Success
General Leadership

Google Integrations: convince and collaborate better with Fingerprint for Success

With hybrid and remote work being the new norm, digital tools and platforms have become invaluable. Video calls and other online conferencing tools have become the lifeline of communication. They help connect partners, investors, managers, and team members from around the world whether they’re at their desks in an office or working on the go using their mobile devices.

Emilia Dunaj
Evidence-based HR: inside F4S' research
General Leadership

Evidence-based HR: inside F4S' research

The landscape of work is rapidly changing. In light of financial uncertainty and the rise of automation, organizations are under increased pressure to make every dollar count. With the cost of a bad hire costing up to 2.5 times the individual's salary¹, this means hiring the right people from the get go.

Emma Norris
What is the future of work? Preparing for the new frontier
General Leadership

What is the future of work? Preparing for the new frontier

There's no doubt about it – change is coming. From the remote work revolution to the proliferation of AI technology, the workplace is transforming before our eyes. In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has irrevocably shifted the way we work. And, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Impending financial downturns combined with technological advances are set to create the perfect storm for transformation.

Emma Norris
9 practical tips for developing leaders at every level
General Leadership

9 practical tips for developing leaders at every level

In the current climate, organizations face more complex challenges than ever before. In these tumultuous economic conditions, employers must think outside the box to engage and retain staff.

Emma Norris
Legitimate power: develop leadership skills at any level
Leadership Skills

Legitimate power: develop leadership skills at any level

Your boss has the power to give you a promotion and a higher paycheck.

Michael Metcalf
Leading by example: the role it plays in great leadership
Leadership Skills

Leading by example: the role it plays in great leadership

Anyone can be a leader, regardless of their role within an organization. That's because the best leaders lead by example. Their actions, rather than their position of power, motivate others.

Kat Boogaard
The different types of power: which one is best for leaders?
Leadership Types

The different types of power: which one is best for leaders?

What is power? Whether we like it or not, we all exercise power over each other every day. We use our position, status, knowledge, or influence to get people to do what we want.

Michael Metcalf

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