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100 Self performance review examples & writing tips

Effective self-performance review goals are crucial for personal development and career success. By setting these goals, you can assess your performance, identify areas for improvement, and take charge of your professional growth. This article provides 100 self-performance review examples and expert writing tips to help you create compelling self-evaluations that showcase your achievements and impress your managers.

How to write a self evaluation performance review

Writing a self evaluation performance review requires concise and honest reflection.

Some employers seek performance reviews focused on recent achievements. Others prefer a long-term assessment of your performance. To write a self-performance review, start by assessing your positive attributes. This should include unique qualities, and skills, and how you demonstrate these at work.

Outline key accomplishments, demonstrating your contributions to the team and organization. Use specific examples and metrics to substantiate your achievements. Then rationalize results by explaining the steps taken to reach goals. Share credit with team members and address what didn't go as planned. Acknowledge areas for improvement and growth to show a commitment to ongoing development.

Why is setting performance review goals important?

“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement,” says master motivator, Brian Tracy.
a person celebrating after scaling a mountain after working with a life coach

Setting realistic, measurable goals provides direction, purpose and, once achieved, a sense of accomplishment. They help people focus their efforts, track progress, and stay motivated. In the context of performance reviews, goals align expectations. They also empower people to meet individual goals and reach their potential.

Psychologist Carol Dweck's research revealed that goal-oriented professionals have a growth mindset. Driven to learn and improve, they are more likely to set and achieve goals.1

More studies were undertaken in 2021 into how goal-setting participation impacts employee behavior.2 The results showed participating in goal setting bolstered proactive behavior and initiative.

So what are the benefits to setting performance review goals?

  • Increased motivationPerformance review goals give you something to work towards and help you stay on track.
  • Feedback and development – Goals provide a basis for constructive feedback during performance reviews. Managers can assess progress and identify areas for extra support or training.
  • Greater focus and direction – Performance review goals provide employees with a clear sense of direction and purpose. They can help to define objectives.
  • Alignment with organizational objectives – Clear targets ensure employees' efforts align with the organization's strategic objectives and company goals.
  • Accountability ­– Setting performance review goals creates accountability. This fosters a culture of responsibility and trust within an organization.
  • Increased engagement and satisfaction – Achieving set performance review goals can increase engagement and motivation. This is great news for businesses trying to encourage staff retention.

Innovative strategies for crafting performance review goals

The art of formulating effective performance review goals is ever evolving. Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory was first developed in 1990. The theory suggested that motivated employees generally have well-defined goals.3 It also emphasized the importance of setting specific, challenging, and achievable goals underpinned by clear feedback mechanisms. Goal Setting Theory is still relevant in business today. But emerging approaches are now incorporating elements of neuroscience. Understanding how the brain responds to goals helps organizations develop motivating performance objectives. These objectives become more achievable as a result.

Consulting firms Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young (EY), and KPMG are advocates for regular performance goal reviews. Leveraging performance analytics is key to adapting to changing business environments. In 2017 Deloitte released a performance management report. It encouraged more social and transparent goal setting to enable teams to collaborate.4

Recognizing the need to pivot in response to market changes, many Fortune 500 companies adopt an agile approach to goals. Most use SMART, MBO, and OKR formulas, or a combination of all 3, for employees.
a remote worker celebrating an at home success in front of their computer


SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Microsoft, Apple, and Meta utilize the SMART framework for goal development. Meta cascades its SMART goals from the top down. This ensures everyone is working towards the same collective goals and objectives. And that their work is contributing to the company's success.

SMART advocate Elon Musk of TESLA and SpaceX said, “If you give yourself 30 days to clean your home, it will take you 30 days. But if you give yourself 3 hours, it will take 3 hours. The same applies to your goals, ambitions, and potential.”

What would that look like in a SMART self-performance review? Here's an example;

  • Goal: Enhance my project management skills to become a more effective team leader.
  • Specific: Over the past year, I focused on improving my project management skills. I focused on areas like delegation, timeline adherence, and effective communication.
  • Measurable: I tracked my progress by completing a project management certification course. And by reviewing my project completion rates and team feedback.
  • Achievable: I completed the project management certification course with a score of 96%. I met or exceeded all project deadlines. This resulted in a 15% improvement in annual project completion rates.
  • Relevant: Strengthening my project management skills aligns with my career aspirations. It also contributes to the success of the organization.
  • Time-bound: I achieved these results within the past 6 months and I plan to continue building on these skills to take on more complex projects in the coming year.

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

A flexible goal-setting framework OKRs are popular in the fast-changing start-up world. The benefit of OKRs is that they align goals with the needs of both individual and organization. OKR goals should show that they have met or exceeded the objectives for each key result. Amazon has used the OKR framework for goal setting at all levels. From individual employees to teams to the entire company.

“You will need to be tenacious about your goal and flexible about the specific path that gets you to the peak of your goal. The route could change, but the vision will not,” says Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos.

What would that look like in an OKR self performance review? Here's an example;

  • Goal: Improve my effectiveness as a marketing manager.
  • Key Results: Targeted a 20% increase in website traffic for the quarter. But achieved a 25% growth through content marketing strategies. Aimed for 200 new leads monthly. But surpassed with an average of 250 leads through targeted campaigns. Set a goal to increase the conversion rate from 5% to 7%. But reached an 8% conversion rate.
  • Reflection: Met or exceeded all key results, highlighting strong performance in achieving objectives. Content marketing and lead generation efforts were especially effective.
  • Future Goals: Continuing the positive momentum, I plan to focus on data-driven decisions. This includes enhancing the customer experience. Exploring new marketing channels for sustained growth. And alignment with organizational objectives.

Management by Objectives (MBO)

MBOs are a goal-setting framework that provide a means to enhance organizational performance. Management and employees achieve this by establishing defined objectives that gain equal consensus. This serves to align both individual goals and team efforts with organizational goals.

Technology innovator Intel uses MBO (Management by Objectives). Their MBO process involves employees and managers working together to set goals. They then devise action plans to encourage active participation and commitment. This framework ensures an alignment of objectives throughout the entire organization.

What would that look like in a MOB self-performance review? Here's an example;

  • Goal: Excel as a Sales Representative.
  • Accomplishments: Surpassed the $500,000 annual sales target with $600,000 in sales, exceeding it by 20%. Expanded existing client relationships, increasing revenue from repeat business by 30%. Enhanced product knowledge, leading to a 20% increase in sales conversions.
  • Areas for Improvement: Work on improving prospecting efforts for a consistent pipeline of potential clients. Divide time to focus on high-potential leads and clients. Enhance market research skills to identify emerging opportunities.
  • Commitment to Development:  Enroll in prospecting and lead generation training. Put in place a time management system. Dedicate time to improving market research efforts.

100 Self-evaluation examples for your performance review goals

Setting clear and actionable employee performance goals is essential. This fosters growth and productivity in the workplace and allows for easy performance evaluation. Here are 100 competency specific performance goal examples to inspire and guide professional development through hands-on learning and coaching.

10 general performance goals for professional development

Professional development goals should be specific and actionable. This allows employees to focus on their professional growth. Here are some examples of professional self performance review goals:

  1. Improve time management skills by prioritizing tasks and meeting all deadlines.
  2. Enhance communication skills through active participation in workshops and delivering more effective presentations.
  3. Maximize product knowledge by attending regular training sessions. Stay updated on industry trends.
  4. Strengthen teamwork abilities by seeking opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from different departments.
  5. Develop leadership skills by taking on a mentorship role for junior team members.
  6. Improve problem-solving abilities by seeking alternative solutions to workplace challenges.
  7. Build stronger technical skills by completing a relevant certification course within six months.
  8. Take part in customer service training to boost customer satisfaction by addressing customer concerns within 24 hours.
  9. Foster a more inclusive work environment by promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  10. Gain conflict resolution skills by participating in conflict resolution workshops and coaching.

10 performance goals for developing leadership, team and project management skills

Developing these long term goals helps leaders grow in different aspects of their roles. This ranges from emotional intelligence to decision-making and innovation. Here are some examples:

  1. Increase emotional intelligence by seeking feedback on interpersonal interactions. Work towards improving empathy and self-awareness.
  2. Foster team collaboration skills by implementing agile project management methodologies. This leads to increased flexibility and adaptability.
  3. Gain project planning skills by creating detailed project timelines with defined milestones.
  4. Develop strong delegation skills by entrusting team members with more responsibilities.
  5. Enhance conflict resolution abilities by mediating and resolving team conflicts.
  6. Cultivate a growth mindset by seeking challenges and viewing setbacks as learning opportunities.
  7. Strengthen networking abilities by participating in industry events. Joining professional organizations also helps expand professional connections.
  8. Improve presentation skills by practicing and refining the ability to communicate complex ideas.
  9. Show core leadership values, such as integrity, accountability, and authenticity, in daily actions.
  10. Improve post-project evaluation by conducting thorough project retrospectives. This helps identify lessons learned and areas for improvement.

10 performance goals for developing technical skills

In an ever-evolving workplace, keeping up with new technology is vital to success. Technical skill development helps keep employees up to speed.

  1. Master a new programming language or framework by completing a course or certification.
  2. Improve troubleshooting skills by resolving more technical issues without help.
  3. Grow data analysis abilities by attending data analytics training and applying learned techniques.
  4. Become proficient in a specific software tool or application to increase productivity.
  5. Gain expertise in identifying and mitigating risks by participating in cybersecurity training programs.
  6. Deepen knowledge of cloud computing platforms through training and advanced certification.
  7. Master the use of data visualization tools to communicate complex information.
  8. Improve coding efficiency by reducing the number of code errors in projects.
  9. Develop expertise in network administration by completing advanced networking courses and certifications.
  10. Maximize database management skills.

10 performance goals for enhancing soft skills

In a survey by LinkedIn5, 92% of talent professionals said soft skills are as important, if not more, than hard skills. And, according to the World Economic Forum's 2023 Future of Jobs Report, soft skills will be key in the future of business. They list empathy and active listening in the top ten reskilling and upskilling strategies businesses will need.

How to Improve Your Listening Skills | 5 Surprising Techniques
  1. Improve active listening skills by providing regular feedback to colleagues. Show understanding during discussions.
  2. Develop negotiation skills by seeking opportunities to negotiate project timelines and resource allocations.
  3. Strengthen conflict resolution abilities by mediating and resolving team disputes.
  4. Improve adaptability by embracing change and adjusting to new procedures or technologies.
  5. Hone empathy by seeking to understand colleagues' perspectives. Show support during challenging times.
  6. Learn presentation and public speaking skills by conveying ideas with confidence and clarity.
  7. Develop time management skills by implementing effective prioritization techniques to meet deadlines.
  8. Improve creativity by seeking opportunities to brainstorm innovative solutions to workplace challenges.
  9. Cultivate resilience by managing stress and maintaining a positive attitude during high-pressure situations.
  10. Enhance interpersonal skills and  cross-cultural communication by learning about and respecting cultural differences within the team.

Understanding what motivates you can be a valuable starting point for enhancing soft skills. Understanding your motivational traits helps you align personal goals with the development of these crucial abilities.

🎯 Start by answering our research-backed questions on what motivates you.

10 performance goals for communication skills development

Communication development goals should focus on refining various aspects of communication and building core strengths. This includes cross-cultural communication, understanding non-verbal cues, and virtual communication.

  1. Maximize active listening abilities by paraphrasing and summarizing the main points of conversations.
  2. Hone cross-cultural communication skills by working more with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. Learn about their communication style and preferences.
  3. Develop assertiveness by practicing clear and confident communication in meetings and discussions. Learn to be effective in expressing ideas and concerns.
  4. Enhance written communication skills by proofreading for clarity, grammar, and professionalism, and paraphrasing complex wording for easier understanding.
  5. Improve non-verbal communication by managing body language. Focus on how gestures and facial expressions convey confidence and openness.
  6. Develop storytelling skills by incorporating engaging narratives into presentations and discussions.
  7. Enhance conflict resolution communication by taking a mediation workshop or conflict resolution coaching.
  8. Master public speaking by participating in speaking engagements or workshops. Seek feedback for continuous improvement.
  9. Develop effective communication in virtual environments by maintaining clear and concise messaging.
  10. Enhance feedback delivery by providing constructive and actionable feedback. Ensure feedback promotes growth and improvement to colleagues and team members.

10 performance goals for better time management

Time management in business is vital for efficiency and resource allocation. It is a huge contributor to success, cost savings, and competitiveness. It also enhances customer satisfaction and reduces employee stress and overwhelm.

  1. Commit to allocating time more constructively. You can use the Pomodoro technique to help. This technique involves breaking work into focused intervals around 25 minutes in length.
  2. Develop a system to declutter workspace to reduce distractions and improve efficiency.
  3. Establish a weekly review process to rank tasks and set achievable goals.
  4. Master the use of a task management tool like Trello or Asana to streamline workflow.
  5. Develop delegation skills to help assign non-essential tasks to team members to free up time for strategic planning.
  6. Strategise workflow. One way to achieve this is to adhere to the 2-minute rule: if a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately.
  7. Establish a structured routine for handling correspondence by designating specific time blocks for email management to minimize disruptions.
  8. Identify and rectify time-wasting activities with the aid of a time tracking tool to enhance productivity.
  9. Prioritize self-care and allocate dedicated time to improve physical and mental health, to foster increased energy for enhanced productivity.
  10. Attend a time management workshop or training course to acquire and implement time management techniques and strategies for better productivity.

10 performance goals for honing attention to detail and consistency

A woman in HR reviewing surveys to improve communication

Attention to detail and consistency are critical skills in various aspects of work. Precision, accuracy, and meticulousness are crucial for achieving organizational goals and building trust.

  1. Develop a consistent tone and style in written communication. Be sure to proofread and edit for grammar and punctuation errors before submission.
  2. Commit to asking clarifying questions if you are unsure about something.
  3. Achieve higher data accuracy levels by conducting comprehensive quality checks on spreadsheets and databases, including a double-check of all calculations.
  4. Develop an efficient system for organizing digital files and documents to ensure quick and easy retrieval when needed.
  5. Increase product quality control by implementing a checklist.
  6. Improve inventory management accuracy by conducting regular stock counts and reconciliations to minimize discrepancies.
  7. Implement a rigorous review process for marketing materials to ensure brand consistency and compliance with the company's messaging guidelines.
  8. Develop a meticulous process for reviewing legal documents, contracts, and agreements. This is to ensure they are compliant with relevant laws and regulations.
  9. Prioritize addressing customer inquiries and concerns with precision and aiming for complete issue resolution.
  10. Implement a systematic project tracking system for monitoring timelines, tasks, and budgets to ensure successful project completion.

10 performance goals for improving problem-solving skills

Effective problem-solving skills are vital in both our personal and professional lives. It is a skill that helps individual's face challenges and find innovative solutions.

  1. Establish a systematic problem-solving approach by consistently identifying and addressing root causes before implementing solutions.
  2. Enhance critical thinking abilities by exploring various solutions before making decisions and taking action.
  3. Participate in regular brainstorming sessions to improve creative problem-solving skills and generate innovative solutions.
  4. Develop better conflict resolution skills by proactively addressing team conflicts and fostering a collaborative environment.
  5. Build better decision-making skills by consistently weighing pros and cons and considering long-term impact.
  6. Achieve proficiency in risk assessment by identifying potential issues and creating contingency plans for critical projects.
  7. Develop problem-solving resilience by staying calm and focused during high-pressure situations. This increases focus on effective solutions.
  8. Improve technical troubleshooting skills by researching and resolving complex technical issues.
  9. Enhance customer issue resolution skills. This can be achieved by addressing customer concerns promptly, and finding and providing effective solutions to ensure satisfaction.
  10. Strengthen process improvement skills by identifying inefficiencies. Install at least one process enhancement each quarter.

10 performance goals for enhanced teamwork and cross-functional collaboration

a team gathered together for a meeting and is energized because they prefer group settings for communication

Effective teamwork and cross-functional collaboration are essential for achieving organizational goals. The following examples show teamwork and cross-functional collaboration performance goals. These foster strong working relationships and enhance communication. They drive collective success across various departments and teams.

  1. Enhance cross-functional communication by participating in interdepartmental meetings and sharing insights.
  2. Take the lead on a cross-functional project that involves members from various departments to improve team collaboration.
  3. Strengthen conflict resolution skills by mediating disputes and creating a harmonious work environment within cross-functional teams.
  4. Proactively seek input and ideas from colleagues with diverse areas of expertise to enhance cross-functional problem-solving.
  5. Develop skills in remote teamwork by effectively collaborating with team members located in different geographical locations to promote efficient remote work practices.
  6. Build delegation skills by entrusting team members with specific responsibilities, improving delegation and teamwork efficiency.
  7. Foster a culture of knowledge-sharing. This can be via organizing cross-functional training sessions or knowledge exchange events to enhance the collective knowledge within an organization.
  8. Develop cross-functional leadership skills by serving as a mentor for personnel from different departments.
  9. Promote inclusivity in cross-functional teams. Ensure that you hear all voices and consider diverse perspectives.
  10. Maximize cross-functional project management by tracking progress and ensuring alignment with business goals.

10 performance goals for networking success

Building a robust industry network is vital for professional growth. Expanding and nurturing a professional network enhances visibility and builds credibility. It keeps individuals updated with industry trends, boosting career success and personal development.

  1. Expand industry contacts by participating in major industry conferences or events on a regular basis.
  2. Foster relationships with key influencers in the industry. This can be achieved by engaging in online forums and discussion groups to establish a strong online presence.
  3. Commit to connecting with at least two industry professionals each month to grow and diversify your professional network.
  4. Boost personal branding by sharing industry insights and expertise on social media platforms.
  5. Strengthen relationships with existing network connections. This can be as easy as scheduling regular catch-up meetings or coffee chats.
  6. Build a diverse network by seeking connections from different sectors within the industry.
  7. Develop negotiation skills through networking by practicing effective communication and relationship-building.
  8. Grow mentoring relationships with seasoned industry professionals to gain valuable insights and guidance for personal and professional growth.
  9. Foster cross-industry collaboration by identifying and connecting with professionals from complementary fields.
  10. Maximize cross-functional project management by diligently tracking progress and ensuring alignment with business goals.

Feeling unmotivated?

Find out how to unlock your motivation.

Frequently asked questions

How often should I update my self-performance review goals?

It's best to review and update your self-performance goals often. Ideally on a quarterly or annual basis. This allows you to adapt to changing circumstances, prioritize new objectives, and track your progress.

Are there any best practices for tracking and measuring self-performance review goals?

Yes, it's essential to use specific metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress. Document your achievements, setbacks, and lessons learned throughout the goal period to make informed adjustments and improvements.

What role does self-reflection play in setting effective self-performance review goals?

Self-reflection is crucial in setting effective self-performance review goals. It helps you identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By understanding yourself better, you can create more meaningful and achievable goals that align with your personal and professional growth.


1. Dweck Carol, 2006, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Random House, https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Mindset.html?id=fdjqz0TPL2wC&redir_esc=y

2. Pervaiz S and Li G, 2021, The mechanism of goal-setting participation’s impact on employees’ proactive behavior, moderated mediation role of power distance, Plos One, https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0260625

3. Locke E and Latham G, 2013, Goal setting theory,1990. APA PsycNet https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2013-00428-001

4. Sloan N, Pastakla K, Garr S, 2017, Performance management: playing a winning hand, Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends,  https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/human-capital-trends/2017/redesigning-performance-management.html

5. LinkedIn Corporate Communications, 2019, 2019 Global Talent Trends Report, LinkedIn, https://news.linkedin.com/2019/January/linkedin-releases-2019-global-talent-trends-report

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