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Career Skills

Career skills help you do a great job, communicate well, and get promoted, but these same skills will also help you thrive in your life outside of work.

That's why we created this collection of expert guides and coaching programs to help you learn how to identify and improve on the different types of career skills. Let's start hacking your work and life!

10 types of nonverbal communication (that build rapport)
Communication Skills

10 types of nonverbal communication (that build rapport)

Have you ever fretted over a draft of an email or a text message and asked a friend to review it before you hit “send”? My guess is that most of us have found ourselves in that situation a few times. Now, have you ever asked a friend to review your hand gestures, posture or voice intonation? Probably not.

Amy Rigby
Five team meeting agenda examples for high-impact meetings
Productivity Tools

Five team meeting agenda examples for high-impact meetings

Imagine you walk into a room and have no real idea why you’re there. You recognize some of the other people there, but not everyone. Someone starts speaking, but you're unsure what they're talking about. Acronyms are tossed around that you're unable to decipher. You do your best to follow along, but it’s hard to stay focused.

Ted Bauer
What should I do with my life? (8 steps to clarity)
Find Your Passion

What should I do with my life? (8 steps to clarity)

Some people know from childhood precisely what they want to do with their lives. They never ask “what should I do with my life?” Instead, they say “I’m going to be a teacher (or a pilot, doctor, lawyer…)”. 

Bev Campling
Constructive criticism: The art of giving & receiving
Work Relationships

Constructive criticism: The art of giving & receiving

Constructive criticism is a powerful tool for growth, yet many struggle with giving and receiving it effectively. Whether you're a manager looking to help your team improve or an employee seeking to enhance your performance, mastering the art of constructive feedback is crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of constructive criticism and provide practical tips and examples to help you navigate this essential skill with confidence and grace, unlocking your full potential at work and beyond.

7 Secrets to mastering intrapersonal intelligence in 2024
Personal Development

7 Secrets to mastering intrapersonal intelligence in 2024

How well do you know yourself? Your self-awareness reflects your intrapersonal intelligence—a crucial aspect of emotional intelligence. This skill shapes your self-perception and inner dialogue, driving personal growth and resilience. Discover how to understand and develop this vital ability.

Bev Campling
Shut down a passive aggressive coworker with 5 steps (2024)
Work Relationships

Shut down a passive aggressive coworker with 5 steps (2024)

The snarky tone of voice, the backbiting, the avoidance—dealing with a passive-aggressive coworker can be exhausting. Not only are the signs of their displeasure subtle, but it’s also nearly impossible to get them to admit that something is wrong.

Amy Rigby
What is intrapersonal communication? (Hint: It’s your key to a thriving career)
Personal Development

What is intrapersonal communication? (Hint: It’s your key to a thriving career)

Looking at this title, you might be asking yourself “does analysis of intrapersonal communication belong in the workplace? Should my employer be trying to figure out what I’m thinking?”

Bev Campling
Are you detail-oriented? Common traits & ways to improve
Personal Development

Are you detail-oriented? Common traits & ways to improve

Are you the type of person who notices the little things that others miss? Do you pride yourself on your ability to spot even the smallest errors or inconsistencies? If so, you might be detail-oriented. But what exactly does it mean to be detail-oriented, and how can you sharpen this skill to unlock your full potential? In this blog post, we'll explore the key traits of detail-oriented people and provide practical tips to help you take your attention to detail to the next level.

Kat Boogaard
“What makes you unique?” Nail the common interview question
Find Your Passion

“What makes you unique?” Nail the common interview question

You updated your resume and the time you spent crafting your cover letter paid off. Your interview is set.

Tiffany Franklin
How to lead when you're not in charge (and why you might have to)
Work Relationships

How to lead when you're not in charge (and why you might have to)

Can you lead when you're not in charge? Is it possible to command respect when you have no authority? Can you be a leader without being the boss?

Amy Rigby
What is attention to detail & how to develop it for success
Personal Development

What is attention to detail & how to develop it for success

Attention to detail is a critical skill that separates the exceptional from the ordinary. Whether you're an ambitious professional seeking career advancement or an organization striving for operational excellence, mastering this invaluable soft skill can be the key to unlocking new levels of success. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into attention to detail, exploring its definition, significance, and practical strategies to develop and showcase this essential skill.

Kat Boogaard
Conquer the thought, “I don’t know what to do with my life”
Find Your Passion

Conquer the thought, “I don’t know what to do with my life”

“I don’t know what to do with my life” is a thought I’ve had many times, usually at the cusp of some big transformation in my professional or personal life. 

Amy Rigby
Jealousy at work: The telltale signs and how to deal with it
Work Relationships

Jealousy at work: The telltale signs and how to deal with it

You’re in a meeting at work when it’s announced that one of your colleagues has been promoted. They have a new, important title (and you’re guessing a bigger salary too). 

Kat Boogaard

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