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Career Skills

Career skills help you do a great job, communicate well, and get promoted, but these same skills will also help you thrive in your life outside of work.

That's why we created this collection of expert guides and coaching programs to help you learn how to identify and improve on the different types of career skills. Let's start hacking your work and life!

Relationship building is more important than ever—here's why
Work Relationships

Relationship building is more important than ever—here's why

In our global world of work, all of us are interdependent on one another in some fashion. Even seemingly solitary jobs are part of a larger ecosystem of intricate moving parts where we must interact to deliver our service, product, education, or research. 

Tiffany Franklin
The genuine person revolution, and how you can be part of it
Find Your Passion

The genuine person revolution, and how you can be part of it

In the course of COVID ravaging society in various ways, one aspect that repeatedly came to the forefront was stark differences among us: the already-rich seemed to get infinitely richer, and many of the rest of us struggled with a mix of stress, new norms, responsibilities, health concerns, and connection. 

Ted Bauer
60 amazing conversation starters (that go beyond "what do you do?"
Communication Skills

60 amazing conversation starters (that go beyond "what do you do?"

“So, what do you do?”

Amy Rigby
How to make a difference: 5 powerful action steps
Personal Development

How to make a difference: 5 powerful action steps

When you ask most people if they want to make a difference in the world, the answer is almost always, “yes.” How to do that, however, isn’t quite as obvious—and many people can become discouraged if they feel like they haven’t fulfilled their purpose or made an impact. The world is a big place and it can be hard to know where to start. 

Kat Boogaard
How to answer 'what am I good at?' according to an Ivy League Career Coach
Find Your Passion

How to answer 'what am I good at?' according to an Ivy League Career Coach

As a career coach for the past 20 years, 'what am I good at?' is one of the most common questions I hear from executive clients, entrepreneurs and students. While the context may differ, the sentiment remains the same. Making a career transition is scary, whether you are just starting out in your professional life or putting everything on the line to launch a new venture.

Tiffany Franklin
How to trust yourself and make confident decisions
Personal Development

How to trust yourself and make confident decisions

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”Writer Charles Bukowski believed that if you constantly doubt yourself, chances are that you’re more intelligent than your more outwardly self-assured colleagues. For the more insecure amongst us, you could take that as a compliment.

Michael Metcalf
How to use an informational interview to land your next job
Change Career

How to use an informational interview to land your next job

Is there such a thing as good interviews? You bet.

Masooma Memon
How to overcome the most common barriers to communication
Communication Skills

How to overcome the most common barriers to communication

You've heard the “communication is key ” cliché, haven't you? There's a reason that sentiment is often repeated. It's true.

A framework for giving and receiving feedback gracefully
Communication Skills

A framework for giving and receiving feedback gracefully

Why is regularly giving and receiving feedback in the workplace so crucial? Because it's virtually impossible to escape having, or being subjected to, personal bias! Everyone has their internal and very unique views of the world around them. These opinions get formed by our upbringing, education, beliefs, social circumstances, values, etc. Biases can be conscious or unconscious, but we rarely openly express them.

Bev Campling
How to be more approachable and increase your personal magnetism
Work Relationships

How to be more approachable and increase your personal magnetism

Becoming more approachable can help you better connect with people both in your personal and work life. It can often lead to new friends, better partners, and even a promotion or great new job. 

Michael Metcalf
Adapting to change: How to master it, personally and professionally
Personal Development

Adapting to change: How to master it, personally and professionally

The importance of adapting to changePersonally and professionally, change is one of the most flummoxing -- and also one of the best -- things we encounter in our lives. It can be terrifying in the moment (think of a new job, the end of a relationship, or a friend/pet passing away), but also spur you on to new heights. 

Ted Bauer
Right now is the best time to start managing up — here's how to get started
Work Relationships

Right now is the best time to start managing up — here's how to get started

Managing up is what we do when we manage the people that manage us. It’s the artistic discipline of being a good follower. “A follower? Ewww. Gross. That’s not me.” Am I right? 

Michaud Garneau
A one on one meetings agenda that actually boosts productivity
Productivity Tools

A one on one meetings agenda that actually boosts productivity

Individual review meetings are often the first to be skipped when other priorities arise.

Michael Metcalf

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