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Learn your team’s work style & optimize People-Project fit.

"This is scarily accurate. Way better than generic personality tests that place you in a bucket."

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• Get 50% off the first year subscription for your entire team to use F4S,
• Plus, a 2-hour debrief with an F4S high-growth coach, valued at $1000 USD.

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Measures 48 distinct traits to help you work better together

Goal Orientation

Level of motivation for staying focused on business goals

Big Picture Thinking

Level of motivation for abstract thinking and communication


Level of energy for starting and  'thinking on your feet'

Commercial Sense

Level of motivation for commercial awareness

Sole Responsibility

Level of motivation for clearly defined and assigned roles


Level of motivation on achieving results, recognition and rewards

And +33 Other Traits

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F4S has helped me understand how I work and improved how I work with others (as I now understand key strengths.)

F4S is a central component of our people growth strategy at Canva and empowers us to harness our unique culture and optimise performance as we scale.

Cliff Obrecht
Co-founder & COO, Canva

Invite your team and compare work styles

Whether it's your direct team members or a different team in the company, F4S helps you compare work styles and work better together.

"There's a lot of focus on hard skills. But at a company, what's absolutely critical is communication and soft skills - the things most companies don't spend enough time focusing on. And F4S has been an amazing tool to help us do that."
Melanie Perkins, Cofounder and CEO, Canva

Map your organization's culture

The aggregate of individual's work style forms your team's culture. And the aggregate of every team work style forms your organization's culture.

With F4S, you can see the strengths and blindspots not just individually, but at the team and organization level - giving you insights into how to improve team dynamics and coach.

"Here at UTS, we have a long tradition in developing the hard skills for technology leaders. And F4S is opening a new door in how we engage in soft skill development."
Jeri Childers, PhD, Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Engineering and IT, UTS

Compare with world-class benchmark

Compare your team's work style and motivations with our benchmark - created through our study with world-class performers in the industry. Two benchmarks are currently available: entrepreneurs and business builders - with more to come.

Fingerprint for Success is an indispensable tool in any agile company's arsenal. With the easy-to-understand insights it gives, it is my most highly utilized and recommended business management tool.
Heather Wilde, Strategic Innovation Officer, AFWERX

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Measure your traits and discover your work style.

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