Upgrading Your Marlee Workspace
To upgrade your Marlee workspace, follow the steps below:
1) On the left corner of your screen, click on your preferred workspace to be directed to your workspace page.
2) Once in that space, click on 'Settings' in the left navigation column
3)Then click on Billing.
4) Then click on 'Upgrade/Change Plan' where you will be taken to the pricing plan page.
5) Choose the plan that will work best for you and your team and select whether you want to be billed annually or monthly.
6) Click on the Get Started button and enter your credit card details to proceed.
7) From there, you should receive an email notification to confirm your workspace upgrade.
Related Questions:
What is the difference between an annual and monthly subscription?
Discover the differences between the annual and monthly subscription plans on the Marlee Platform and choose the one that best fits your needs.
Cancelling or pausing your plan
We know circumstances change, and sometimes you need to pause or end your Marlee journey. Here's everything you need to know about managing your plan, with our team ready to help every step of the way.
Changing or adding a payment method
Do you want to get more out of Marlee? Learn how you can update your payment method in the Marlee app.