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General Wellbeing

Understanding and prioritizing your general wellbeing is one of the best ways to quickly hack your work and life.This collection of expert guides and coaching programs will help you get in touch with your own wellbeing, build your resilience and develop stress management skills.

Signature Strengths vs. Marlee's evidence-based test
General Wellbeing

Signature Strengths vs. Marlee's evidence-based test

Curious about your character strengths? Discover how the popular VIA Signature Strengths test compares to Marlee's evidence-based motivational analysis. Uncover your unique potential and learn which assessment unlocks your path to personal and professional success.

Gemma Kaczerepa
How to manifest your desires — a simple, 3-step approach
General Wellbeing

How to manifest your desires — a simple, 3-step approach

Have you ever met someone who inexplicably seems to get everything they want in life? Someone attuned to their deepest desires who seems to effortlessly make everything a reality? 

Emma Norris
How to manifest anything: Turning your dreams into reality
General Wellbeing

How to manifest anything: Turning your dreams into reality

When it comes to career goals, many of us find ourselves in a tug-of-war, pushing hard toward our desires but meeting resistance from external forces. 

Emma Norris
AI Coaching App: Coach Marlee, the future of coaching
General Wellbeing

AI Coaching App: Coach Marlee, the future of coaching

As more people seek to unlock their true potential through personal and professional development,  the coaching industry is booming. A recent study from the International Coaching Federation estimated global revenue generated by coaching at US$2.849 billion, and that's only likely to increase in the coming years.

Rachael Troughton
The science of forming good habits and how to build them
General Wellbeing

The science of forming good habits and how to build them

If you’ve ever tried to learn the flute, start a meditation practice or eat more salads and less pizza but found that you couldn’t make the habit stick, you’re far from alone.

Vivienne Egan
The power of visualization techniques to achieve your goals
General Wellbeing

The power of visualization techniques to achieve your goals

Visualization is one of the most powerful techniques that you can use to improve your life.

Michael Metcalf
Family values: 24 Examples to strengthen your family bonds
General Wellbeing

Family values: 24 Examples to strengthen your family bonds

If you think the term 'family values' is too traditional and outdated, think again. Every family has core values, whether they are articulated or not. These unspoken principles manifest through everyday interactions, community engagement, and parental guidance. Clearly defining your family's core beliefs fosters healthier relationships and prepares children for success. Explore the significance of family values and discover how to identify yours.

Amy Rigby
Compassion versus empathy: how developing your EQ can help
General Wellbeing

Compassion versus empathy: how developing your EQ can help

Empathy seems like the buzzword of the 21st century. But we’d be remiss to leave out its more action-oriented cousin: compassion. Understanding the difference between the two is worth getting into because, while both skills are valuable, the former is what actually moves us to help those in need.

Amy Rigby
How to start journaling (and stick with the habit)
General Wellbeing

How to start journaling (and stick with the habit)

As a child, you might have had a journal where you wrote about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It may have been an outlet to turn to when no one else could understand what you were feeling or going through.

Kat Boogaard
How to be brave: 8 strategies to have more courage
General Wellbeing

How to be brave: 8 strategies to have more courage

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Kat Boogaard
The power of self-acceptance — and 12 ways to build it
General Wellbeing

The power of self-acceptance — and 12 ways to build it

“How often are you kind to yourself and think you're fine as you are?”

Amy Rigby
Self management: What it is and how to improve your skills
General Wellbeing

Self management: What it is and how to improve your skills

Ever wonder how some people seem to get it all done and stay on top of every aspect of their lives? Do you feel like they must possess some secret skill that you haven't figured out yet?

Kat Boogaard

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