Unlocking Gen Z at Work: A Generational Impact Study 2024

Reactive vs proactive: How to balance both management styles

How do you manage issues in the workplace? Do you tackle them head-on as they happen? Or do you anticipate and prepare beforehand to resolve them before they lead to conflict?

More than one-third of CEOs do the former: they respond to situations in the moment (instead of planning ahead) to better manage time.1

While being reactive works, research shows that companies with proactive leaders are 25% more likely to see an increase in team performance, revenue growth, and profitability.2

The best way to succeed in leadership is to understand your unique management style and how it impacts your team. Then develop the right soft skills to succeed.

This allows you to predict and prevent conflict before it occurs, tackle emergencies as they arise, and gain the best from your team.

Reactive vs proactive leaders: What's the difference?

Reactive leaders in the workplace are senior-level employees who respond to problems, crises, and opportunities after they become evident.

Proactive leaders expect challenges and future events. They plan ahead, and delegate responsibilities to solve problems before they become evident.

Say an e-commerce customer service team manager noticed a few customer complaints about delayed deliveries. A reactive management style would see a person:

  • Ignore early warning signs and focus on other pressing needs
  • Resolve individual complaints without uncovering the root cause
  • Provide relief in the short term but not necessarily prevent future delays

A proactive manager would:

  • Gather feedback from the logistics team
  • Analyze data to identify the root cause of the delays
  • Collaborate with a cross-functional team to solve the problem
  • Install preventive measures to keep the delays from recurring

Despite their differences, both management styles have their pros and cons. Let’s learn about these below.


Pros and cons of reactive vs proactive management styles

Reactive leaders adapt to change more quickly than proactive managers.

They make quick decisions under pressure, allocate resources, and introduce immediate solutions in difficult situations. These fast response times mean reactive leaders are experts when it comes to managing crises and urgent tasks.3

At F4S, we call this (reactive) action level, Initiation.

This reactive mindset means you take action, get things going, and think on your feet. A reactive manager is less motivated by long-term planning and strategic thinking and is comfortable operating with limited information.

A proactive leader’s greatest strength is their ability to anticipate and plan for risks and opportunities in advance. They inspire their team to take preventative measures and experiment with new ideas. 

This proactive mindset contributes to innovation, a critical driver of business growth.4

We call this motivation, Reflection and Patience. You prefer to pause, observe, research, and plan before taking action. But waiting too long to act means you might miss out on opportunities.

There are advantages and disadvantages of both leadership styles. Let’s go over these:

5 advantages of reactive and proactive leadership

5 disadvantages of reactive vs proactive leadership

Is it better to be proactive or reactive?

Generally speaking, proactive behavior is better than reactive behavior in the workplace. This is especially the case if you’re in a leadership role. 

Proactive people are more likely to increase employee engagement, prevent burnout, and adapt to different work environments, as they plan ahead.6 They also have a 15% higher chance of quiet (or internal) hiring success, which is identifying and developing the right talents for different roles.

The approach works best in situations where you have control, can anticipate challenges, and want to set a positive course for the future.

For example, suppose you work in an enterprise where you need stakeholder buy-in to kick off a project. In this case, proactivity helps you anticipate opportunities and issues and make a plan that increases your chances of winning approval.

While being proactive is useful in most scenarios, you can’t be proactive all the time. Sometimes being reactive is necessary.

For example, if you work in a fast-paced environment such as a startup, being reactive enables you address issues as they arise. This prevents issues from escalating.

Ultimately, being proactive or reactive largely depends on your natural leadership (work) style and how you develop it over time.


Vital soft skills to develop to become proactive vs reactive

More companies favor a proactive mindset over a reactive one as it has been shown to be 25% more productive.7  

Studies conducted by Michelle Duval, Founder & CEO of Fingerprint for Success, highlight that while soft skills are crucial for success, their importance varies based on individual motivations.

For example, in entrepreneurship, proactive individuals leverage effective communication, adaptability, and problem-solving to navigate the dynamic business landscape. 

Similarly, proactive leaders in corporate settings rely on attributes like leadership, emotional intelligence, and teamwork to drive career advancement and organizational success.

For those committed to personal growth, self-motivation, resilience, and a commitment to continuous learning are proactive steps toward achieving fulfillment and success. 

The adaptability and versatility of soft skills align seamlessly with proactive approaches, serving as foundational elements across diverse motivations for success.

6 defining soft skills of a proactive approach are:

Communication: Clear and concise communication is crucial for proactivity. Active listening, asking questions, and expressing ideas help in understanding expectations and build smooth collaborations.

Critical thinking: Critical thinking skills allow you to analyze situations from different perspectives, make informed decisions, and anticipate potential challenges. A review published in Harvard Business Review explored why this is essential for proactive problem-solving.8

Problem-solving: A meta-analysis published in Frontiers in Psychology found that proactive problem-solving behaviors contribute to organizational success.9 Proactive problem-solvers address issues before they escalate. They have a solution-oriented mindset and take the initiative to resolve challenges.

Adaptability: Proactively adapting to change and viewing it as an opportunity for growth is a valuable skill. Being open to new ideas and adjusting your approach in response to evolving circumstances enhances your proactive stance.

Initiative: Taking initiative means seeking new responsibilities, volunteering for tasks, and identifying areas for improvement. This demonstrates a proactive attitude toward personal and professional development.

Self-motivation: Setting and pursuing personal and professional goals, finding intrinsic motivation, and staying committed to tasks even in the face of challenges are essential components of self-motivation, contributing to a proactive mindset.

Fingerprint for Success offers individuals a deeper understanding of their underlying motivations through a series of questions. 

Insights gained will enhance your proactive approach in various aspects of work, enabling you to anticipate needs, solve problems, and drive positive outcomes.

Feeling unmotivated?

Find out how to unlock your motivation.

Ways to balance being reactive vs proactive at work

A balance of reactive and proactive approaches allows organizations to maintain an equilibrium between adaptability and strategic planning.

Proactive measures enable businesses to anticipate future trends, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition. 

Meanwhile, reactive strategies equip organizations to respond promptly and effectively to unforeseen challenges or shifts in the market. 

A dual approach fosters organizational agility, resilience, and the capacity to navigate both anticipated changes and unexpected disruptions.

During his time as CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella’s leadership was characterized by a combination of reactive responses to market shifts and proactive initiatives to drive innovation and growth.

Reacting to market changes: When Nadella assumed the role of CEO in 2014, Microsoft was facing challenges shifting to cloud computing and mobile technologies. Nadella took a reactive approach. Under his leadership, the company's cloud platform became a major player in the industry. It was able to respond to the increasing demand for cloud-based solutions.

Anticipation of future trends: Proactively, Nadella, recognizing the growing importance of a multi-platform ecosystem. He embraced a more open and collaborative approach. He also adapted to the changing preferences of users and encouraged the development of Microsoft applications for platforms beyond Windows, including iOS and Android.

Individuals who can skillfully navigate the 2 approaches are more likely to excel in their roles and contribute to organizational success.

Studies also emphasize the importance of self-awareness in achieving this balance.10 Employees who understand their natural motivations, whether they tend to react swiftly to immediate demands or proactively plan for future challenges, can leverage this awareness to enhance their effectiveness.

Recognizing these inherent motivations enables individuals to strategically apply them in different situations, optimizing their responses based on the demands of the task at hand.

With F4S, you can answer questions about what motivates you and receive a personalized report unveiling the motivational traits that shape your leadership style and decision-making at work. 

Grounded in deep scientific research and analysis, these traits are linked to individuals with a proven track record of success. This helps you to identify and optimize proactive habits through AI coaching.

an animation showing how F4S works for individuals

Reactive vs proactive leadership: Which is right for you?

The best approach depends on your work style and motivations. It is worth considering the different styles of leaders that you look up to.

Proactive leaders

Driven by a visionary outlook, proactive people excel in anticipating challenges and seizing opportunities. This encourages a workplace of innovation and adaptability, crucial in today's rapidly evolving landscape. 

These leaders are forward-thinking. They engage in strategic planning to navigate uncertainties effectively. 

An example of a proactive leader is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk. Musk is known for his visionary approach and proactive stance in the industries he operates in.

  • Innovation and vision: Musk pushes the boundaries of technology. He has a long-term vision for sustainable energy and space exploration. With Tesla, he aimed to accelerate the world's transition to electric vehicles, and with SpaceX, he aspires to make life multi-planetary.
  • Anticipation of future trends: Musk has a track record of anticipating future trends and disruptions. He entered the electric vehicle market in its early stages. He took proactive measures to develop technology like Neuralink, an implantable brain/computer interface. This demonstrates his forward-thinking approach.
  • Problem-solving: When faced with challenges, Musk is known for his hands-on approach. He doesn't wait for problems to escalate, instead, he engages in finding solutions. For example, when production issues arose at Tesla, Musk got involved in the manufacturing process to address bottlenecks.
  • Risk-taking: Musk is not afraid to take significant risks to achieve his goals. Both Tesla and SpaceX faced financial challenges at various points, but Musk's proactive decisions, such as investing his own money and pushing for innovation, have contributed to the success of these companies.

Reactive leadership

When appropriately employed, reactive people are valuable in managing immediate crises and troubleshooting unexpected issues. Swift decision-making in response to emergent challenges can prevent escalation. 

While Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (formerly Facebook) was proactive in driving the development of new technologies, key aspects of Zuckerberg's leadership are reactive. For example:

  • Addressing market shifts: Facebook's early success was primarily as a desktop-based social networking platform. As mobile use surged, Zuckerberg recognized the importance of adapting. His purchase of Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in 2014 were reactive moves to address the increasing popularity of mobile-centric social media.
  • Addressing new competition: In response to the rise of new platforms, such as Snapchat, Zuckerberg demonstrated a reactive approach by incorporating similar features into Facebook's ecosystem. For example, he launched Instagram Stories with disappearing photo and video content in response to Snapchat. 
  • Crisis management: The company has faced significant challenges related to data privacy. Reactive thinking saw Zuckerberg’s implementation of policy change to enhance user data protections, and increase transparency.

Build complementary reactive and proactive skills with our rapid AI coaching programs.

F4S helps you learn which kind of leader you are through a series of scientifically backed questions. Then AI coach Marlee can help you develop proactive habits, optimize your natural strengths, and address any blind spots. This will help you predict and prevent team conflict, resolve emergency situations, and gain the best from your team.

Conveniently fast, these coaching sessions take just 5-15 minutes. Embark on your personalized program and start honing your skills today.

Frequently asked questions

Can a leader shift between being reactive and proactive based on team dynamics?

Yes, a versatile leader recognizes that different team dynamics demand varied approaches. 

In a dynamic environment, a leader might use a proactive approach to foster innovation, while in a crisis, a reactive stance may be necessary to address immediate concerns.

Do external factors, such as market trends, influence a leader's decision to be reactive or proactive?

External factors can heavily influence strategy. In a rapidly evolving market, leaders may proactively invest in emerging trends. Conversely, unexpected external events might necessitate a reactive response to reduce risks.

Do some industries have predominantly reactive or proactive leadership styles?

Industries like technology and start-ups often have reactive people in leadership due to their fast-paced nature. In contrast, finance or healthcare, with more stable conditions, may emphasize proactive planning and long-term strategies.

In a crisis, how can a leader effectively integrate reactive and proactive strategies?

A leader should react swiftly to manage immediate threats while proactively strategizing to prevent similar crises, incorporating lessons learned into future planning.

How can leaders encourage a culture of proactive thinking within their teams?

Leaders can foster proactive thinking by promoting open communication, acknowledging and rewarding forward-thinking initiatives, and creating an environment that values continuous learning and foresight.


  1. Porter ME and Nohria N, 2018, How CEOs manage Time, Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2018/07/how-ceos-manage-time
  2. Viraj V, 2023, Embracing Proactive Leadership: Shaping a Dynamic Workplace, LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/embracing-proactive-leadership-shaping-dynamic-workplace-viraj#:~:text=Key%20Statistics%3A,experience%20high%20growth%20and%20profitability
  3. Wasche D, 2021, Developing Leaders for a Crisis - Ego is the Enemy, Oil Spill Response, https://www.oilspillresponse.com/knowledge-hub/crisis-management/developing-leaders-for-a-crisis--ego-is-the-enemy/
  4. McKinsey & Company, Strategic Growth and Innovation, McKinsey & Company, https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/how-we-help-clients/strategic-growth-and-innovation
  5. Long JC, 2021, The Pace of Hospital Life: A Mixed methods Study, PLOS One, 16(8): e0255775, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8372908/
  6. Lin SH, Lu WC, Chen YC, Wu MH, 2022, The relationship among proactive personality, work engagement and perceived work competence in sports coaches: The moderating role of perceived supervisor support,  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12707, https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/19/12707
  7. Viraj V, 2023, Embracing Proactive Leadership: Shaping a Dynamic Workplace, LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/embracing-proactive-leadership-shaping-dynamic-workplace-viraj#:~:text=Key%20Statistics%3A,experience%20high%20growth%20and%20profitability
  8. Plummer M, 2019, A Short Term Guide to Building Your Team’s Critical Thinking Skills, Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2019/10/a-short-guide-to-building-your-teams-critical-thinking-skills
  9. Zhang Z, Fang H, Luan Y, Chen Q and Peng J, 2022, A meta-analysis of proactive personality and career success: The mediating effects of task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 979412, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9606340/
  10. Sutton A, 2016, Measuring the Effects of Self-Awareness: Construction of the Self-Awareness Outcomes Questionnaire, Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 12(4):645–658, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5114878/

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