Unlocking Gen Z at Work: A Generational Impact Study 2024

Picture of DJ Pangburn

DJ Pangburn

DJ Pangburn is a technology, music, art and subculture journalist. His work has been featured on Dazed & Confused, VICE, Fast Company, Hopes and Fears, MTV and elsewhere.

The benefits of flexible work schedules (and 6 companies doing it right)
Workplace Wellbeing

The benefits of flexible work schedules (and 6 companies doing it right)

According to George Washington University research, employees with flexible work arrangements tend to be more satisfied with their jobs. They also seem to be willing to work harder to help their employers achieve success. [1]GWU research found that 80% of workers would use flexible work schedules if offered.[1]In this study, however, 40% of workers worry that career advancement would suffer if they had flexible work arrangements.[1]The same GWU study found that flexible work hours helped to attract and retain employees. [1]Flexible work schedules can be family-friendly, helping employees reduce stress and tardiness so they can tend to family matters, with 90% of telecommuters (in one survey) saying it better enables them to balance work and home life. [1]Such schedules help increase work productivity and job satisfaction. [1]In a Boston College study, researchers found that “70% of managers and 87% of employees reported that working a flexible arrangement had a positive or very positive impact on productivity.” [2]Boston College also found that flex-work schedules often report better work-life balance than those without them. [2]Employees with flexible schedules reported the highest life satisfaction scores—65% were “very satisfied” compared to non-users (58%). [2]Workers are less likely to experience “time crunch” throughout the work day. [2]Flexible work schedules can lead to more employee happiness, with a 2018 study titled “The Global State of Remote Work” finding that those who work remotely once a month (at minimum) are 24% more likely to be happy. [3][4]Yale University offers flexible work arrangements for staff, noting that workers may experience “improved morale, attendance, and productivity.” [5]Yale notes that these schedules can lead to “an increased sense of personal control and greater workplace satisfaction.” [5] Officially, flexible work schedules are part of flexible work practices. That is, those practices that give employees some control over when, where, and how much they work on any given day, week, month, or some other block of time. 

DJ Pangburn
Leading from behind: How and why it works
Leadership Skills

Leading from behind: How and why it works

What does leading from behind mean?

DJ Pangburn

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