Emma Lennon
Emma Lennon is a Health Science graduate and an accomplished freelance copywriter passionate about inclusive employment. With over a decade of experience in health, community development, disability advocacy, and coaching, Emma is committed to amplifying diverse voices and lived experiences. She firmly believes in empowering approaches to education and coaching, enabling individuals and teams to identify and leverage their unique strengths and abilities for better outcomes.
Bob HR management vs Fingerprint for Success
HR and performance management budgets are stretched thin due to our economic landscape. Companies need tools to help create more resilient and high-performing teams. Two tools you need to know about are Fingerprint for Success and Bob HR.
Enhancing your F4S experience
From the week starting 15 May 2023, F4S will be introducing a set of new subscription plans and want to take the time to take you through the “what” and the “why” behind these changes.