Learn about our Chinese workforce research study on the working motivations of the Chinese workforce culture

The Chinese Culture Map is a groundbreaking study, providing a never before seen lens into the motivations, attitudes, and behaviours of the Chinese working population. It is a statistical deep-dive into the Chinese working culture, representing many unseen or yet-to-be-discovered talents unique to China. 

Built on 20 years of evidence-based research in the field of cognitive behaviour, a Culture Map can provide detailed information on how to leverage, strategize and better understand new opportunities for the Chinese workforce. This data can be applied across all verticals of business, entrepreneurship, investment, industry, government, and education to inform decisions for the future of economic growth and development. 

We want to continue building upon the insights and understandings of how to bring out the best in Chinese people at work. We would be honoured for your contribution to this ongoing study, where we will release new statistically significant findings as we discover them with your help.

How your participation will help

Together (with your help!) we can achieve the following:

  • Identify the work attitudes and preferences that define the Chinese Working Culture
  • Understand the attitudes and motivations that correlate with early and mature stage venture success and failure
  • See how the Chinese working culture and those of some of its major trade partners compare, understanding opportunities for greater synergy
  • Uncover new insights into understanding the working preferences of Chinese people, including their unique talents, blind spots, and opportunities for growth  

Your benefits for participating:

It will take only 15-20 minutes to answer the F4S work style survey, and in return, you’ll get:

  1. Exclusive first access to the global research findings
  2. Immediate access to your personal survey results of your attitudes and motivations

Who we are

Used by teams in more than 195 countries, Fingerprint for Success (F4S) is a technology on a mission to empower individuals and teams to understand and bring out the best in themselves and each other at work. 

From our own research and through research partnerships with companies like Canva and Startup Genome we have led world-first research and developed technology to support human development at work.

For this study on the Chinese working population, we are aiming to partner with individuals that deeply care about advancing research that will support people to more deeply understand themselves and others and to bring out the best in each other at work.

Your answers are 100% anonymous.

  • To participate, you will need to share your email address so we can send you the research findings and give you access to your own results from the assessment.
  • Rest assured all of our research analysis is done with de-identified results. This means your name and email are removed from your data and all of your answers are both anonymized and secured for your privacy.

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to help inspire the workplaces of the future
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